1. BG queue time

    Queue time for BG on Alliance takes forever at all times. Lvl 31-39. Will switching to Horde make a difference?
    Edited: August 11, 2016

  2. Queue time for BG on Alliance takes forever at all times. Lvl 31-39. Will switching to Horde make a difference?
    No, BG area dead at 20-79, you can only get BG ast 10-19 and 80 on horde side.

  3. lvl 80 bg's Alliance side. Screenshot done less than 1h ago. +3h server time. http://imgur.com/a/jI4XV

  4. lvl 80 bg's Alliance side. Screenshot done less than 1h ago. +3h server time. http://imgur.com/a/jI4XV
    Is that much ?
    I have the same on 12k online Icecrown sometimes.

  5. That's a lot considering more than 6k people played online at that time. Even more strange regarding Icecrown realm when it is 12k full with ~1k queues at EU times.

  6. What's current 80 lvl pvp situation ?
    Balance ? Que time on both sides ?

  7. Horde side, lvl80. Usually a BG within 2 minutes. Might go up to 10min or something @ 4:00 AM, but even then it's not bad.

  8. Ye on horde lvl 80 I usually get que when I go solo in 1-5mins.

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