1. I cant PvP with this class, have some questions.

    So as im level 76 my only option for pvp is wpvp, and when i get jumped i cant kill anyone, i just dont know how this class works. Granted i only played DK in pvp which is literally 5 buttons. I wanna learn how to play this class so im gonna ask some questions, keep in mind, i never played a ret pally before.

    1. Is lay on hands suppose to not work in pvp?
    2. when i try to purify a dk's diseases i cant either, is it bugged?
    3. should i use divine shield when i wanna heal or at the beginning to avoid damage?
    4. how to kill casters/huntards? Im geting kited constantly.
    5. When should i pop wings?
    6. Any general tips?

    ty in advance.

  2. 1. It's not supposed to work in arenas. It works anywhere else but it shares a cooldown with divine shield / divine protection due ot forbearance debuff.
    2. The death knight might have the talent to reduce chances of diseases getting dispelled by 30% (virulence) or if its an Unholy Death Knight, then death coils will make diseases immune to dispels for 10 seconds (Unholy Blight)
    3. Divine shield is situational; you can use it to get out a cc to land a kill, or simply use it on low health and not die and heal to full. Be careful of Priests and Warriors as they can break the shield with mass dispel and shattering throw.
    4. In world pvp paladins aren't the best choice against ranged; you get kited to infinity as you say
    5. Pop wings when you know you will survive and get their cds or outright kill them

    6. Try to keep sacred shield up at all times / cleanse often / a full repentance can be used defensively to heal up, there are more tips but that would be an essay, try looking through the guide in the pally section

  3. the question is what are you doing in pvp at lvl 76 ...

  4. If you want to be above 90% Warmane paladins - find a shield and learn how and when you have to swap it against meeles and huntards.

  5. 1. It works, except in arenas. It just shares Forbearance with other skills.
    2. No, it's not bugged. You said you played DK, yet you don't know what Virulence and Unholy Blight do?
    3. Divine Shield reduces damage dealt by 50%. Thus it is NOT a good idea to use it in the beginning. Use it to prevent certain death and heal up. Keep in mind that priests and warriors can remove it.
    4. You cannot. This game is not balanced on 1v1 - it's rock-paper-scissors. Paladins lose vs all ranged classes.
    5. Multisnipe gave a very good answer.
    6. No class in this game is "just 5 buttons" - neither DKs, nor palas, nor any other class. Learn your spells and use them, don't just smash buttons and expect kills.

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