1. RDF when icc gets released?

    I know this suggestion is made hundreds of times for lordearon,but i just want to know is this server forever cursed to not have rdf or it might change in future.
    If that happens when icc gets released,we could maybe again see about 1k queue in lord because server would be most blizzlike that it ever was(x1 realms) and also have rdf available at icc release,like retail did.
    Yes lordaeron is meant to be hardcore realm,but when icc releases and other lower tier raids get nerfed,there is no reason to keep rdf disabled,because if you remove buffs from older raids than it isn't that hardcore.Rdf dungeons are not part of icc release(i think),so rdf buff should be unbuffed and get rdf enabled :)
    If warmane is mine,i would do it but it all depends on you warmane.I was also one of the first to suggest dw and ragnaros merge when there was no idea about it,and it happened.Hope this will happen too :)
    Thanks Warmane for allowing us great time in wow outside of retail

  2. staff have said 101 times they have no plans to release rdf on lord. could they change their mind? sure, but they won't change their mind simply because joe schmoe made a thread about it.

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