1. Twink Gear

    Can we get twink gear on marketplace for points?

  2. No.

    God damn it, I need to have 10 words.

  3. No.

    God damn it, I need to have 10 words.
    lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

  4. Doubtful considering some of that gear is now desired for Transmog which is on the Coin shop it would devalue it.

  5. The money hungry apes from warmane ruined the marketplace by removing the twink gear adding 264/271 gear and making it available to facerollers that never stepped in the crimson hall on 10n,so now that everyone got 4-5 pieces that they couldn't ever get because they are awful at the game the apes from warmane decided to remove it and make the old makretplace but worse so now you can't even get mounts/pets/twink gear just crap 200-239 gear.So if the marketplace keeps getting ****tier i doubt it will ever get better and add back twink gear mounts and pets.Seems like the staff wants the player's money without giving them anything in return.Buggy ICC bosses no more twinking and cool mounts just the regular gear grind and boring pvp.Oh and you killed wotlk by adding transmogs :).

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