1. mailed gold to my friend and he didn't recieve it

    bassicly i mailed my friend 9749 gold 99 silver and 99 copper to jimmyjewtron and he didn't recieve it i proceeded to send him 2000 gold and then 7750 to him and he recieved it so can any gm solve it?

  2. bassicly i mailed my friend 9749 gold 99 silver and 99 copper to jimmyjewtron and he didn't recieve it i proceeded to send him 2000 gold and then 7750 to him and he recieved it so can any gm solve it?
    Most likely it could have been a typo or misspelling of the name. Mail disapppearing is not really an issue here on Warmane. That' the kind of stuff you would encounter on crappy underdeveloped servers.

    Couple of possibilities, missppelling of name?, person not being truthful? Possible issue with the server lagging? Sometime it CAN take a few minutes to arrive, but this is rare. Otherwise you will need to make an in game ticket so they can investigate it further.

  3. you can report it as a bug, but warmane don't return lost gold.

  4. Sounds like jimmyjewtron pulled a fast one on ya

  5. When did you send it? Sometimes it takes up to 3-4 hours for these things to be transfered if he was not online at the time when you sent it

  6. Now people be VERY careful with mailing expensive things - last year, on Christmas, the mail system went completely confused... Happily, i got everything i sent some time later (1-2 d), but many people i asked, also had trouble with playing Santa... so much unused [Coal] :d In deed, this happened on the Pandaren realm, and i truly hope it is no longer the case, still watch out!

  7. Oh to add, wait 30 days and you will get the gold back (unless there is a lucky guy out there with the misspelled chara name), so dont worry :)

  8. jimmy is sitting next to me so i know it didn't send and the name was correctly spelled

  9. The ONLY time you can count on mail being instant, is if you are mailing to the same acct. Even the guild perk is bugged.. sometimes mailing to a guildie is instant, and sometimes it is not. Mailing to someone who isn't a guildie will definitely take some time, but no more than an hour.

  10. Guild perk works if both guildies are online. When one is offline is when it bugs.

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