1. Pvp healers

    How is holy paladin in pvp?
    What is top classes for healers?

  2. Second worst healer after disc priest, about as strong as holy priest. Best healers are shaman and druid.

  3. Rsham > Rdruid > MW > Disc > HolyPriest > Hpal

    The reason is that one of our most important glyphs is not even obtainable on this server, and the bug report has been open for more than 6 months.

  4. Disc is the worst healer by far m8, holy is way better then it. (given that this is working like retail)

    No one was playing disc in s14 and 15, ever.

  5. Disc is the worst healer by far m8, holy is way better then it. (given that this is working like retail)

    No one was playing disc in s14 and 15, ever.
    Yeah but Holypriest is weaker here compared to retail, so you see more discs around.

  6. Yeah but Holypriest is weaker here compared to retail, so you see more discs around.
    I dont play priest so i dont know, but why is that? Are abilties bugged or is something else going on?

  7. Thank you for answering my questions.
    I didn't play shaman or monk so far. Is it hard to master them?
    Edited: November 23, 2016

  8. Thank you for answering my questions.
    I didn't play shaman or monk so far. Is it hard to master them?
    Shaman is a lot of fun but I think monk would be more challenging for new monk players. Imo, Monks are harder to master and long return of investment, but worth it in the end because it's so fun and different. Shamans are cool though.

  9. Disc is the worst healer by far m8
    With all due respect... you may as well be wrong.
    If you judge your statement based on actual "Healing done" -- Their relevance relies on shield absorption (which does not count as actual healing, and doesn't show up on arena or battleground end panel stats). If that did happen however, you'd see most disco priests above all other healers on the panel, since their shields are ridiculously strong (especially if you gem for mastery). But since it's a "hidden" stat, you don't. Also keep in mind you can choose to glyph the reflective shield (have fun dishing down someone with an 800k shield that reflects back 70% damage). With the proper macros (insta-voidshift and desperate prayer + all other major defensive cooldowns in 1 click) a disco is deadly in arenas. I'm not denying Holy is better for battlegrounds either. But for what it can do (or has the potential to do, in the hands of a not-so-dumb-player), it's far from being the worst. Think of it as a passive-aggressive spec who does damage without using offensive spells (reflective shield), and heals while doing damage (Atonement). Bar the fact that they're a general nuisance thanks to the fear spam and mindcontrol. The only real downside is mana regen (which becomes less of a problem as soon as you hit 17k spirit), but that's a somewhat easy fix if you land your shadowfiend and hymn of hope.

    Yes, I'm aware it's about "HEALERS", not "SHIELDERS", but this is the magic of discipline. Why heal wounds when you can prevent them with spirit shell and some lucky flash heal crits? Bam, 800k-ish absorption shield, great way to start the arena and soak the burst.

    I believe you owe some solid explanations to validate your statement; care to elaborate? I felt the need to comment since I've been a main disc for as far as I can remember, and the only problematic arena encounters were against affli lock + resto sham & firemage + disco. The other ones were either lost due to dampening or dual rogue specs who burst me down before I could even lift one finger...

  10. And then u go vs hunter or shaman, and your shield is dispeled, squishy class to me :D

  11. With all due respect... you may as well be wrong.
    If you judge your statement based on actual "Healing done" -- Their relevance relies on shield absorption (which does not count as actual healing, and doesn't show up on arena or battleground end panel stats). If that did happen however, you'd see most disco priests above all other healers on the panel, since their shields are ridiculously strong (especially if you gem for mastery). But since it's a "hidden" stat, you don't. Also keep in mind you can choose to glyph the reflective shield (have fun dishing down someone with an 800k shield that reflects back 70% damage). With the proper macros (insta-voidshift and desperate prayer + all other major defensive cooldowns in 1 click) a disco is deadly in arenas. I'm not denying Holy is better for battlegrounds either. But for what it can do (or has the potential to do, in the hands of a not-so-dumb-player), it's far from being the worst. Think of it as a passive-aggressive spec who does damage without using offensive spells (reflective shield), and heals while doing damage (Atonement). Bar the fact that they're a general nuisance thanks to the fear spam and mindcontrol. The only real downside is mana regen (which becomes less of a problem as soon as you hit 17k spirit), but that's a somewhat easy fix if you land your shadowfiend and hymn of hope.

    Yes, I'm aware it's about "HEALERS", not "SHIELDERS", but this is the magic of discipline. Why heal wounds when you can prevent them with spirit shell and some lucky flash heal crits? Bam, 800k-ish absorption shield, great way to start the arena and soak the burst.

    I believe you owe some solid explanations to validate your statement; care to elaborate? I felt the need to comment since I've been a main disc for as far as I can remember, and the only problematic arena encounters were against affli lock + resto sham & firemage + disco. The other ones were either lost due to dampening or dual rogue specs who burst me down before I could even lift one finger...
    Disc has been **** on retail for all of MOP, its was pretty much unuseable, way to hard to land cc, purge killed you, low throughput, less instants, dampening ****ed them too hard, the oh**** abilites werent good enough and so on and on and on. Every pvp priest played holy in MOP. Guy above claims that isnt the case here so maybe there are some bugs or simialr going on but disc was the worst healer by far.

    There wasnt a single disc above 2.2k in s14 or 15 iirc, on either eu or us.

  12. Laugh all you want, disc is horrible in MOP and Holy Pala is a close second. Maybe this server has other issues that make disc better then it ought to be but its horrible. I mean just not having chastise makes disc worse then holy priests (not to mention the above issues, the fact that shields are purgeable and healing is not, that discs have to hardcast and have massive mana issues while holy spams instants out all day long which heal for way more then disc priests hardcasts and so on).

  13. I believe you owe some solid explanations to validate your statement; care to elaborate? I felt the need to comment since I've been a main disc for as far as I can remember, and the only problematic arena encounters were against affli lock + resto sham & firemage + disco. The other ones were either lost due to dampening or dual rogue specs who burst me down before I could even lift one finger...
    Ever asked yourself why you only had problems when it came to those few comps? Iirc there was not many people like this guy here playing disc at 2.2k+ back then

    Laugh all you want, disc is horrible in MOP and Holy Pala is a close second. Maybe this server has other issues that make disc better then it ought to be but its horrible. I mean just not having chastise makes disc worse then holy priests (not to mention the above issues, the fact that shields are purgeable and healing is not, that discs have to hardcast and have massive mana issues while holy spams instants out all day long which heal for way more then disc priests hardcasts and so on).
    Wouldn't say hpala was that bad though, it just took that special person to play it good enough to compete with fotm stuff. But then again, that can be applied to anything that isnt fotm.

  14. Shaman is a lot of fun but I think monk would be more challenging for new monk players. Imo, Monks are harder to master and long return of investment, but worth it in the end because it's so fun and different. Shamans are cool though.
    My brother will go warrior so is shaman good with him.Monk look too hard for me :D

  15. Shaman is a lot of fun but I think monk would be more challenging for new monk players. Imo, Monks are harder to master and long return of investment, but worth it in the end because it's so fun and different. Shamans are cool though.
    As somebody who plays all the healer classes I have to add that monk is by far the easiest. It is practically immortal, I hit 2k+ with it while I was 500 ilvl (when 522 was max), it has excellent mana control and very strong heals/shields. The only weakness is cc but not many people know how to actually cc so if you're good at it, you can beat any combo.
    And what the hell made anybody here think that disc is a bad healer? Sure the shields can be dispelled but they practically have no cd and purge costs a lot of mana so it's not exactly affordable. As Mayfire said, the shields are very strong, it has good cc and decent heals as well, I'd even dare put it as the second best. And holy priest sucks in arena, it simply cannot heal enough, can easily be nuked down by any above average dps.
    Also WolfCD, retail means NOTHING here, seriously, who cares about retail, we're talking about warmane healers. I've only seen only holy priest above 2k, and I forgot his name...

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