1. BM spec?

    Is beast master not worth having as a soloing or leveling spec?

    I notice there is no 3.3.5a guide.

    Is there a spec people are using because I have seen a few BM hunters about?

  2. Most people use BM for leveling. At least I did, its the easiest and fastest option with no downtime. Though I leveled as MM from 60 to 80, since it was way more fun for me.

    The build I was using my self till 60 was like this: http://wotlk.openwow.com/talent#cVbhztxRiu0eot. After 60 start picking talents from MM, it doesn't really matter what you do since your pet will be doing most of the job anyways.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Is beast master not worth having as a soloing or leveling spec?

    I notice there is no 3.3.5a guide.

    Is there a spec people are using because I have seen a few BM hunters about?
    Just go with the basic BM build, you should be fine when it comes to leveling/getting ganked.

  4. BM is extreamly viable spec for endgame pve raids. Sadly its not very popular so not many people saw the changes after the last updates. I am one of the few who currently play it in my guild "Faviurite Nightmare" and i race with our bis mm hunters. Depending on RnG win/lose by little difference. There was a discusiion about bm hunters somewhere around the forums but idk where. Briefly Go full arm pen gear (MM gear, 100% cap), cus the boost you get on your SS/autoatack is still worth it, get a cool pet, I personaly use devilsour but raptors also work and go rock.
    Priority is > Apply Serpent Sting, Full cds> Spam steadyshot till you have to reaply again. when moving use arcane shot or recast serpent as filler. For aoe remember to put trap when possible and use multyshot. Remember to put your pets attacks on auto, it helps a lot.
    The better you are as hunter and with proper movement managmenet you will be top dps like np :)) You have better burst then MM, but in longer fights you might drop a bit. Still i managed to top PP25hc as bm hunter pulling abit over 13k if i remmeber corectly
    For spec and glyphs you can check "Lofi", the current spec i play gives amazing results. Hope you try it, BM is realy fun to play :))

  5. Raptors don't (read: shouldn't) come close to Devilsaurs or Wolves. BM Wolves are even better for the BM Hunter's personal DPS than MM Wolves are for MM Hunters because as BM you have near 80% uptime on the Furious Howl buff.

    If you really are competing with MM Hunters after whatever the recent updates were, then they broke something badly. Either negatively for MM, or positively for BM. Of course, an alternative explanation is simply that your MM Hunters don't play nearly as well as you do. As far as burst damage, whatever benefits Bestial Wrath/The Beast Within provides is countered several-fold by Readiness. Not even considering the back-to-back Rapid Fires, the Chimera Shot -> Aimed Shot -> Readiness -> Chimera Shot -> Aimed Shot sequence alone puts MM Hunters at a lead BM Burst has no hope of overcoming.

    BM has no real niche unless you intend to game an encounter's mechanics by making use of TBW's CC immunity.

  6. BM is extreamly viable spec for endgame pve raids.
    "Faviurite Nightmare" and i race with our bis mm hunters.
    Without disrespecting anyone or firing shots,those facts are explaining a lot.
    get a cool pet, I personaly use devilsour but raptors also work
    /facepalm get a wolf.
    You have better burst then MM
    Rapid Fire macro with cds - Serpent Sting - Chimera Shot - Aimed Shot - Readiness - Chimera Shot - Aimed Shot and refreshing RF when it expires says hi(dont forget to include your second MD after Readiness though).Also,don't forget that Readiness refreshes the cd of KS too(only important under 20%).

    BM is an excellent levelling spec and a decent pvp spec and an okay-ish spec for pve.Play whatever spec you want,but for serious raiding don't expect to get an invite over a MM hunter(only in cases like the aviable MM hunter is really bad or low geared,or the raid group really needs a hunter for some reason(LK 10m if no rogue is aviable for instance).

  7. No shots fired, don't worry. I am not comparing bm dps output to casual hunter alts, I talk about the 1-2 good players who main mm hunters and do good/top dps compared to everyone in the raid. And specificaly for single target encounters through ICC, not LK/rs25hc. You are probably right Darkenedhue and they did broke sth, cus in theory bm should do that good. I just wanted to share my recent findings that bm atm on this scipts is doing really, realy good. Would like if someone else test it and share his results.

  8. Lads, start recounts battle already.

  9. No shots fired, don't worry. I am not comparing bm dps output to casual hunter alts, I talk about the 1-2 good players who main mm hunters and do good/top dps compared to everyone in the raid. And specificaly for single target encounters through ICC, not LK/rs25hc. You are probably right Darkenedhue and they did broke sth, cus in theory bm should do that good. I just wanted to share my recent findings that bm atm on this scipts is doing really, realy good. Would like if someone else test it and share his results.
    BM can be better when you need to run a lot for example pp,lk,rs ... because 40% of your dmg is pet dmg,however still bm is not working good because pet's are able to dodge attacks,skills when hunter's is hit capped + bm is worse about 1k dps on single target without movement so its not that bad.
    Also for your talents if you are raiding with your guild you dont need mend pet you can use it later for catlike reflexes to have kill command less cd.
    You dont need 3/3 cobra strikes 2/3 is good enough, if you are raiding with pug without replenishment you need invigoration for sure,on icc you dont have so much pushback + you have concetration aura I believe this helps for hunters so the talents should looks like http://wotlk.openwow.com/talent#ctbMzxtRfuoeRt0eVoZx (in bis gear you have 7% from gear 1% draenei hit).
    I also dont understand why you go agility instead attack power after arp cap for bm maybe that's why bcs bm is your off spec and you main mm rofl.

  10. BM can be better when you need to run a lot for example pp,lk,rs ... because 40% of your dmg is pet dmg,however still bm is not working good because pet's are able to dodge attacks,skills when hunter's is hit capped + bm is worse about 1k dps on single target without movement so its not that bad.
    Also for your talents if you are raiding with your guild you dont need mend pet you can use it later for catlike reflexes to have kill command less cd.
    You dont need 3/3 cobra strikes 2/3 is good enough, if you are raiding with pug without replenishment you need invigoration for sure,on icc you dont have so much pushback + you have concetration aura I believe this helps for hunters so the talents should looks like http://wotlk.openwow.com/talent#ctbMzxtRfuoeRt0eVoZx (in bis gear you have 7% from gear 1% draenei hit).
    I also dont understand why you go agility instead attack power after arp cap for bm maybe that's why bcs bm is your off spec and you main mm rofl.
    I am on the Horde side, still 8% hit needed(no dranei). I disagree cus in my opinion on fights like LK/RShc MM hunter with trap mastery performs way better then bm/mm with Imp Barage, which is my main spec yes, hence the gems. There is a enouch of pushback on hc raids, I wouldn't roll without focus aim anyway tbh. I have only one saved recount , from pp25hc from last week. Can't frap myself but will get soemone else to frap some encounters and post results. You are right though, my pet keeps getting dodged and loses 9-10% of its dps (5% from Bites dodged and 4% of attack).
    My point is yes, you will probably go for MM for LK/RS, but BM is working ok atm and it is worth to be tryed out.
    Spoiler: Show

    Edited: January 8, 2017

  11. Hmm maybe you are right since on lk is a lot of aoe and on rs will be pretty hard to spam steady shot in shadow phase,but at the pp you should be first :P,yea it's playable if you dont want to change pushback isnt 2/5 lethal shots and 5/5 mortal shots better? In my opinion it's better. Also bad luck you are not an orc :( so much better for bm hunter since without haste bm hunters have already 1,4 cast steady shot and gbc for hunters is always 1,5 secs so troll racial boost only auto shots.Also the best imo is(for bm) bs,jc since it's easier to get arp cap and more ap and haste boosts only auto shots.
    Anyways on this server there are a lot bugs with pet still for example your pet action bar dissappear and you need to dismiss a pet and call again,sometimes you cant use bestial wrath bcs of this so you need to check your pet's bar everytime you go through portal or you wiped,sometimes on lady your pet just stop attack when tank take the boss to the other side and you need to command your pet to attack again rofl.

  12. I am just gonna put this out there:

    An approximate list of the dps classes in wotlk expansion.

    1) Fury Warrior 18107
    2) Fire Mage 17799
    3) Combat Rogue 17671
    4) Retribution Paladin 17213
    5) Assassination Rogue 17052
    6) Marksmanship Hunter 17021
    7) Feral-Cat Druid 16689
    8) Unholy Death Knight 16540
    9) Affliction Warlock 16144
    10) Frost Death Knight 15985
    11) Shadow Priest 15807
    12) Arcane Mage 15414
    13) Demonology Warlock 15396
    14) Enhancement Shaman 15275
    15) Balance Druid 14924
    16) Elemental Shaman 14538
    17) Blood Death Knight 14276
    18) Destruction Warlock 14157
    19) Survival Hunter 13997
    20) Arms Warrior 12563

    ----non-viable dps specs----

    21) Beast Mastery Hunter 9496
    22) Frost Mage 8257
    23) Subtlety Rogue 8047

  13. I am just gonna put this out there:

    An approximate list of the dps classes in wotlk expansion.

    1) Fury Warrior 18107
    2) Fire Mage 17799
    3) Combat Rogue 17671
    4) Retribution Paladin 17213
    5) Assassination Rogue 17052
    6) Marksmanship Hunter 17021
    7) Feral-Cat Druid 16689
    8) Unholy Death Knight 16540
    9) Affliction Warlock 16144
    10) Frost Death Knight 15985
    11) Shadow Priest 15807
    12) Arcane Mage 15414
    13) Demonology Warlock 15396
    14) Enhancement Shaman 15275
    15) Balance Druid 14924
    16) Elemental Shaman 14538
    17) Blood Death Knight 14276
    18) Destruction Warlock 14157
    19) Survival Hunter 13997
    20) Arms Warrior 12563

    ----non-viable dps specs----

    21) Beast Mastery Hunter 9496
    22) Frost Mage 8257
    23) Subtlety Rogue 8047
    Yet again this is warmane and i guess they try to make every spec playble or something, since half of the listed classed and specs are boosted and in hands of exprienced player easy become top dps.

  14. Lol

    I am just gonna put this out there:
    Beast Mastery Hunter 9496
    This chart isn't correct... I'm doing 9k dps with 5.8k gs (trash trinkets & bow) on fester25n, even without use of Potions of speed.
    When you guys don't know how to play certain class/spec it doesn't mean it isn't viable...

    P.S. Wolves are best dps pets for MM, and not for BM, where the Devilsaurs are kings. Good luck professors!

  15. Almost perfect raiding (ICC/RS) spec... Just to mention that Catlike Reflexes isn't good option cause you need to use BW & KC together. 1/2 Catlike Reflexes is just waste of point... You don't need reduced KC cooldown, cause you have to wait until BW is up. I think 1/2 Improved Mend Pet is lesser loss...

    Most important: DO NOT COMPARE both specs with your mainspec MM gear/gems!!!

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