1. [A] LF Guild


    I'm new to warmane. I recently hit 80 on my DK and now am trying to start the gearing process. I wanted to know if there are any english speaking guilds out there that are looking for an active player? Right now I am trying to get enough GS to farm HC's and in my spare time I do RBG's and achievement hunt. My general playtime would be M-F 20:00 ST onward and anytime during the weekend.

    My IGN: Varcus. Let me know if you fellas need any other information.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Bump.
    Around 5k gs now, still looking for a guild that raids around 23:00pm - 1:00am server time (6-8pm Est).

  3. Tell me if you find a guild that raids between 6pm-8pm EST time, or maybe sometime during the day hours. Been also trying to find one lately. Thanks!

    Oh, and I'm 5690 GS, fury warrior. Just getting back into raiding, so I'm still learning. (:

    P.S, IGN is Ichise, or if I'm on my healer, Eldergreen.
    Edited: February 20, 2017

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