1. PvP Adons in Arenas, working or not ?


    so i have this issue, with amost every pvp adon i have to arenas and i was wondering if is it just my fault, or someone have other issues with this aswell. Its Interupted Bar(Not working at all), Iccycle(not working at all), Gladius ( doesnt show CDs for pvp trinkets and wont show Drs) and as last, there is issue, that i see % instead of actually Hps.

    I was checking interface and it should be ok, but in game the reality is different.

    So do you have same problem or do you know how to fix this ? Some link for those kind of addons, but working properlly would be usefull too.

    Thank you and your help is appreciate

  2. Broken CombatLog. Get https://github.com/Schaka/CombatLogFix (rename the addon folder to CombatLogFix, remove the "-master").

    Also, if Gladdy doesn't show DR, make sure you got the latest version off my GitHub.

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