1. Immersive pve?


    I've been playing on and off for a bit now, and one of my characters (a Blood Elf Mage) hit max level a while back. I've only done a few 5 man dungeons while leveling, and I would like to get into dungeons and raids, (possibly in chronological order, if there is one).
    From what I heard, the dungeons and raids are the meat of the game's lore, and where the storytelling really starts to shine. I know I could simply use the dungeon finder, but I would much rather join a group (be it Discord or in in game guild, with a similar mindset) Not only because I distrust randoms to an extent, but also because the dungeon finder teleports you to the dungeon, thus you miss out on any quests related to the dungeon/raid, and you don't get to see the zone and exterior of the dungeon/raid. I guess what I'm saying is this; I'm looking for people who are interested in immersive pve, rather than rushing just for gear. I'm sure such a group exists.

  2. If you want to be a pve carebear play on Lordaeron realm where rdf is disabled.

  3. Thanks for the reply.
    I would like to be able to use my 80 instead of having to level a new character. But I'll look into that if nothing else works out.

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