1. Orc Racial Hardiness

    is anyone else feeling like hardiness 15% is acting more like 5% stun resist after days of pvp?

  2. Are you kidding? It feels more like 50%

  3. as orc hunter with 15% stun resist and no other stun talents its nowhere near 50% stun

  4. As orc warrior with 15% resist talent I can be stunned 20 times a row before resist.

  5. It's all about RNG.

    Sometimes u won't get stunned for a while, the other time you get stunned 24/7.

    I've had fights vs Orcs where they had resisted 4x stuns in a row such as Cheap Chot and Kidney shot. And for undeads I have felt it around two times per player and sometimes I can stun them like they have no resistance at all.

    Nothing is wrong with the ability/racial itself. It's all about RNG. Always has been, always will be.

    But I have to say, when someone resists 2x or more stuns in a row, than it does feel like they have 50% stun resistance.

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