1. [ANSWERED]The exact reason of constant delay on Icecrown

    I wonder if any of the staff can reply me on this matter, I noticed that ever since I came back there's a constant approx 0.2 sec delay on the realm which didn't exist before and it's not affected by the persons latency. Basically it allows people to stun/fear/sap/repentance or any other lose of character control at the same time. I've had so many times in duels in arenas that I stun a guy and then eat his fear while he's stunned (it's like we press it at the same time and server doesn't realize that I did it first and still fires off his fear), or use divine storm, hit a rogue with it (enter combat) and still get sapped. And I know that it's not a cheat or anything since I saw it happen with tons of different people.
    I know that this never happened before when I played (I stopped playing in june 2016), which made it weird that when I came back in july 2017 it was a common occurrence. And since even then there was 12k people online I wonder what is causing it. I mean, I know it's not caused by a persons latency because I don't have it on Blackrock.. so it's just the Icecrown issue...

    So, is it possible to get an answer from someone who knows what's the problem, and if that issue will be fixed (or is it even possible to fix anymore)?

    Regards, Evangelion.

  2. Confirmed, very annoying and happens all the time:(

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