1. Is Icecrown also 7x levelling speed in Northrend?

    So I wanted to join a WotLK private server, and I didn't feel like doing the levelling from 1-70 (I'd join a vanilla or TBC server for that), which meant Northcraft was a good choice at the time, as it was intant level 70. The thing is, Northcraft shut down a couple months ago, and I wanted to join another server that is instant lvl 70. There isn't one, so I thought that maybe there were high rates servers that are just 1x levelling speed in Northrend.
    Basically, I want to know if Icecrown has this, because I really want to play on a server where I can basically skip the levelling from 1-70. If this is not the case, do any of you have suggestions for what I could do next? I want a 1x Northrend levelling experience, as I've never really taken the time to read the quest text, etc.
    Anyway, if you'd help me, that'd be nice :D

  2. You can buy a level 70 character on Lordaeron.

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