1. June 7, 2020  

    Ban misunderstanding

    At saturday i was in heroic dungeon and then item dropped from trash, it was blue neck with strength 200ilvl and i have epic, but addon pawn told me that the blue item was better so i roll need. Minute after priest told me that im ninja that he needed the neck cause these items are high value on auction, so i tried to gave him this neck to via trade and he cancelled. So he reported me and said that he aint goin anywhere without kicked me out so im here with 5 days ban and i dont know what to do because I don't know if it's my fault or his
    Edited: June 7, 2020

  2. June 7, 2020  
    It's probably actually worse but if you do intend on using it for your actual main spec then it shouldn't be a problem, priest is just a dick.
    If you do get banned you can sit out your ban or you can open up a ban appeal ticket on the website: https://www.warmane.com/account/support

  3. June 7, 2020  
    If the item was for your spec you could've needed it. If the item was for you OS or auctioning it YOU DON'T NEED, instead you press GREED. If it was a priest telling you that he needed that neck and since you say you're a strength user you commited ninja looting. If you need anything else clarified, do ask.

  4. June 7, 2020  

  5. June 7, 2020  
    If the item was for your spec you could've needed it. If the item was for you OS or auctioning it YOU DON'T NEED, instead you press GREED. If it was a priest telling you that he needed that neck and since you say you're a strength user you commited ninja looting. If you need anything else clarified, do ask.
    Not sure why a priest would need a neck with strength tho. Clearly he wanted to auction it.

  6. June 7, 2020  
    Not sure why a priest would need a neck with strength tho. Clearly he wanted to auction it.
    More than likely he wanted to auction it, but he had the same claim over it as anyone wanting to gear off-spec, which seems to be the case here.
    It really can't be such a hard concept to grasp that off-spec doesn't have higher priority than Greed.

  7. June 7, 2020  
    Yes but that priest got me banned for this, because he needed that for auction and he didnt get it, and I never ever have a ban on anything

  8. June 7, 2020  
    Yes but that priest got me banned for this, because he needed that for auction and he didnt get it, and I never ever have a ban on anything
    No, the priest didn't get you banned. You got yourself banned, the priest only reported you. You're the one who stole an item by using Need for off-spec gear.

  9. June 7, 2020  
    it wasnt for offspec i didnt even buy a dual talent specialization. The priest was also rude as hell to everyone in group
    Edited: June 7, 2020

  10. June 7, 2020  
    It not being suitable for your current role and specialization makes it off-spec. That's what the term means. The fact so many seem to now use it to mean their secondary-spec doesn't change it - it's still off for the spec you're on.

  11. June 7, 2020  
    so there is nothing that i can do now ? our guild have planned nax today

  12. June 7, 2020  
    No, the priest didn't get you banned. You got yourself banned, the priest only reported you. You're the one who stole an item by using Need for off-spec gear.
    So, if the priest reported him for needing an off-spec item, didn't the priest got himself banned aswell for also needing and trying to steal an off-spec item? I suppose the screenshots the priest took as evidence of a ninja roll should also show his own roll and work against him, no?
    Edited: June 7, 2020

  13. June 7, 2020  
    thats a good question, hes now on freedom and im now the bad guy here

  14. June 7, 2020  
    So, if the priest reported him for needing an off-spec item, didn't the priest got himself banned aswell for also needing and trying to steal an off-spec item?
    The priest probably pressed greed and didn't like that the item was taken by someone who pressed need.

  15. June 7, 2020  
    The priest probably pressed greed and didn't like that the item was taken by someone who pressed need.
    The OP said twice that the priest needed the item:

    At saturday i was in heroic dungeon and then item dropped from trash, it was blue neck with strength 200ilvl and i have epic, but addon pawn told me that the blue item was better so i roll need. Minute after priest told me that im ninja that he needed the neck cause these items are high value on auction, so i tried to gave him this neck to via trade and he cancelled. So he reported me and said that he aint goin anywhere without kicked me out so im here with 5 days ban and i dont know what to do because I don't know if it's my fault or his
    Yes but that priest got me banned for this, because he needed that for auction and he didnt get it, and I never ever have a ban on anything

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