1. Couple questions about cast sequence, macros and rotations.

    1. How do I heal everyone with castsequence? This post http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=361514 tells me I can do it but when I actually do try it only heals the lead and itself. Is doesn't heal the rest of the party.

    2. Is there a way to target multiple players with castsequence? Something like this: /castsequence reset=1/combat HealLeader, Skill1, Skill2, Skill3, HealSelf, Skill4...etc.

    3. If I do /castsequence [@leader] reset=1/combat Heal, Skill1, Skill 2...etc. the heal skill goes off properly but the other skills don't. It says invalid target. Is there a way to make it so I can continue attacking while being able to heal others but not myself? I can't use focus since I am using it for something else.

    4. How do you deal with dungeons like Halls of Lightning where one of the bosses needs all your characters to run around away from each other? I'm getting my *** kicked even in normal.

    5. Sometimes my macros stop working until I acquire a new target, even if the macros have specific targeting conditions. Like /cast [@leader] Flash of Light stops working until I press my /target macro. Is that normal?

    6. I'm using 1DK and 4RetPala as my team. Does anyone have any tips? Like talent builds and glyphs? I know how to use Repentence properly now so I can fight things one on one if I need to. What should my rotation look like? Right now I'm using /castsequence to use my skills with heal spells thrown in and casting Divine Plea whenever it's off cooldown. I still seem to die A LOT.

    I'm using HotKeyNet and my guys are around 2k GS. Even the lowest level dungeon I can do using RDF, The Nexus, still takes me 1h30m-2h to finish with a couple deaths. Is that normal or am I just bad at the game?
    Edited: October 5, 2020

  2. I like dk+4 ret palas. It is the most fun team to play imo (but it is weak in PVP since they need to run up to enemy and many AoE effects can 1 shot the team).

    I don't really know much about what you can do with castsequence. I don't think I have had any problems with macros stopped working.

    I kinda remember Halls of Lightning, the rock boss or whatever he is that slows/stuns and then shatter you if you are near other characters. Was a few years ago that I did it, but I remember it was dangerous but not too bad.
    I think I set up some key to make all my characters run in a different direction.
    You could use Divine Shield + Divine Sacrifice on one character to reduce the damage a little. (Divine Shield triggers a GCD but Divine Protection doesn't, but since you have a few seconds when you are getting slowed before you shatter that should be fine)

    First of all to get better gear I would recommend you to do Forge of Souls now, 2k GS is enough (if you have the functionality to use your team good enough).
    Also a good idea to do WG/arena if you can be bothered, since they give easy good rewards. No fun to go in WG with 2k GS and get 1 shotted tho and people complaining.

    I did Forge of Souls at 2k GS, it is pretty easy and huge upgrades in there.
    I did Pit of Saron at 2.5k GS (had to wait longer than this to do last boss since it is very strong against this team, Forgemaster Garfrost is great to get 219 ilvl weapon).
    I did Forge of Souls Heroic at 2.7k GS.
    I forgot how long Forge of Souls took, I think after getting gear it took maybe 20 min. I don't think it was much slower before getting gear since there isn't really any downtime and no deaths (other than wipes on bosses early on).

    To do Forge of Souls at 2k GS just CC all enemies except for 1 and the thrash packs won't be any issues (I think there is one enemy with a scythe, it deals massive aoe damage with instant cast so my main priority was always to focus on that one).
    First boss is pretty easy although if I remember it was scary with very low GS. 2nd boss you need to make sure you don't mess up the mechanics, especially the spell on the ground since it kills you in maybe 2 seconds.

    I have a macro for Cleanse that I use on rotation by using Toggle in HKN.
    I don't really see why you would use healing in castsequence, you could always use Toggle to make what castsequence does but in HKN (except that it doesn't prevent going to next skill when you press multiple times).

    I used 2 buttons for dps rotations (one with just auto attack, Judgement and CS I think to be able to press it when out of range without wasting abilities or mana, also useful when low on mana to save mana for Judgement or healing) and one with all attacks.
    One button to heal DK with stopcasting (to just use instant FoL if it is up) and one without (if I have to hardcast healing), one button to make paladins heal each others (to top them up if slightly damaged) and then seperate buttons so I can heal 1 paladin at a time if needed.
    One button for cleanse rotation that rotates who the paladins cleanse so they will always remove debuffs even if someone is in a CC or dead.
    A button to set focus and then use repentance on focus target or otherwise on whatever I am targetting.
    And a few other things.

  3. @2:
    You can use click sequences.
    1 master macro:
    /click ActionBarButton1
    /click ActionBarButton2
    /click ActionBarButton3
    /click ActionBarButton4
    /click ActionBarButton5

    And then place separate cast sequences for each char.
    So on ActionBarButton1 will be macro:
    /castsequence [target=party1] Heal,,,,

    On ActionBarButton2 will be macro:
    /castsequence [target=party2] ,Heal,,,

    and so on.

    What it the master macro does is clicking the sub macros placed on action bars 1-5. In the sequences there are comas which make that sequence do nothing so the master macro fall-though the next sub sequence until it reaches one that has actual healing spell on it along with intended target.
    It could probably work with multiple cast sequences in one macro, but this seems cleaner to me.

    Or just upgrade to ISBoxer and use click regions with healbot/VuhDo/Grid+Clique.

    @3 :
    You cannot use dmg skills while targetting friendly.
    Again two separate cast sequences would solve it. One with @leader other with /assist leader or target leader and targettarget conditions.

    Hard on that GS, but best is to spread in rectangle patern before pull, pull boss to middle then IWT slaves to boss so there is at least some distance between chars. On Disperse bubble up and heal tank, don't run. He does this only once per fight. Rotate Divine Sacrifice on CD.

    Macros with specific target bugs out sometimes, but try to post it, maybe there is some minor typo.

    Practice makes perfect.
    + proper healing setup.
    Also once you gear up your tank enough it will be way easier. With 4,8k protadin and 3 shp + demo I barelly need healing. VE takes care of most of it.

  4. Thanks guys. I think I just need to practice a lot. I've been super lazy and trying to incorporate heals in my rotation so I don't have to press them each time I want to heal.

    Also I am able to use click regions with HotKeyNet however I only have 2 buttons on my mouse. Left and right. If I left click the team window my alts can heal no problem however that means my leader would also target that team member and have to retarget the enemy. I can use ctrl/alt clicks but I suck at it.

    I'm not sure if I should go make a 5th paladin to make it easier on myself since all of them would have the same skills. Playing different classes at the same time would take me some time to get used to.

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