1. New class for fun

    Hello everyone, i was wondering about a few classes i would like to play as a casual, i'm between encha shaman os resto, boomy os resto and warlock demo, i want to play mostly pugs, and i want to choose a class for utility and fun, not really interested in topping dps, and this ones i know i wont anyway.

    what do you think about this specs, are they welcome in 10 and 25 mans? will read your toughts

  2. As a Shaman, you'd end up playing Resto for 99% of the time.
    Boomy with Resto OS should let you have more balanced time with specs.
    A Demo lock in a raid is always welcome. Affliction spec on the side might be worth it.

    What comes to fun factor, that's up to you. Do you want fixed rotation, priority based, high or low KPM (Key Per Minute)?

  3. Alright ill discard shaman then, i think boomy does alright dps for a support spec so ill probably go for that one since i can heal as well and it seems to be fun (for me)
    I dont mind the rotation tough, never have i heard about KPM, but google san will teach me.

    Do you think boomy brings good enough utiliy or is it demo kind of better for buffing the raid? (i know there are guides, but i cant ask for a personal point of view there)

    ty for reply

  4. Both have solid buffs to offer.

    Boomies have innervate, battle ress and pushback if needed (and specced). Tranquility and heal help in a pinch.
    Warlocks have their soul shard shenanigans. Soul stone, summons, healthstone.

    If you want to AFK during trash clears, don't play warlock though. It's always when you go away that somebody needs your services.

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