1. Killing npcs for unlimited stock vendor recipes ok or not?

    Hi, I tried to search information according to this but couldn't find anywhere and I really don't know is it abusing exploit or not when I checked code of conduct so I'll ask here. I've seen lots of people killing vendors over and over again who sell limited time recipes which can spawn for certain vendors from 10min to 60min or even longer whatever the recipe respawn time is. However killing the npc refills the stock with those only once per time window buyable recipes. Vendor npcs seem to have 5min respawn time so some people are killing them and gettting a lot more recipes quite fast, what I've seen is that those people have also put those recipes in ah.

    So is this allowed usage of ingame mechanics or abusing an exploit which should be reported?

  2. No way, people are using brain to take advantage of in-game mechanics? Report immediately!

  3. There are too many recipe snipers who log in and use their low ping to buy out the recipe and then price gouge people on the AH. This kill and reset mechanic is the only way people who legitimately need recipes for themselves to get it when the snipers are actively camping the NPCs. I do not want to see it removed completely...but I do think that people using the mechanic to stockpile dozens of recipes to compete with the snipers on the AH are abusing it (unless they intend to list it at near vendor price so the snipers no longer have a market...if I had the gold to spare, I'd do it myself!).

  4. So is this allowed usage of ingame mechanics or abusing an exploit which should be reported?
    Let's check the mercurial rulebook

  5. Let's check the mercurial rulebook
    So it's not ok? Ok thanks

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