1. purchased item by mistake

    Hello everyone and many congratulations for your great job.
    I have question, please. I have purchased item Deathbringer's Will for my Paladin ( Diavolicchio) by mistake. Being my first Paladin I didn't notice that item is not good for me.
    Instead of this, can you help me by replacing with Tiny Abomination in a Jar ( Heroic ) ?

    Really appreciate.

    Greetings for Romania.

    PS: I have tried to put a ticket for this but I have illegal character's based on the error.

  2. You have to open item misbuy ticket in 24 hours.
    Don't use symbols like ;:*/][()
    just pure text.

  3. Yeah you can open a ticket on the website within 24hrs to get DBW refunded.

    Like the other dude said, don't use any symbols etc, just text.

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