1. Donation

    Hi all. I have 41 coins on my account and I was hoping to dontate 50eur to get 50+14 points for a total with (105) and I was hoping to get shadowmourne with my 35% discount code. However, I was sad to find out that the 50eur donation no longer offers 50+14 but it is not 50+7 points and I will not have enough. Is there any chance I get benefit from the 50+14 points again? I want to donate 50eur but if they are enough for me to get shadowmourne. I hope you can sort me out. Or can yo tell me when you going to run double bonus for donation again? Thanks!

  2. Even with 50 + 14, you wouldn't get SM. Thing is, discount code doest work for SM and Val'anyr. But you can just sell goods/characters/cold on trade section and acquire missing coins to get you SM. Or you can get most demanded BiS items for same 150 coins on several characters and farm SM with guild

  3. Also adding that the discount code won't, most likely, reduce the prices of future legendary items Onyxia's store could potentially offer.

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