1. spent points on unusable item for my charecter

    so i saved up points for over 20 days and thought that i would be able to use something i bought for 17 points on the website and that was even after i selected the specific character to allow me to purchase for it.... i wasn't looking at type just stats but within 10 minutes of spending the points i realized that i made a mistake and got a weapon that my toon couldn't even equip which is weird because i was allowed to spend points on something not available to be equipped...... but all that aside i wrote a ticket immediately and waited 24 hours to get a response from waremain that this isn't something that they can do anything about because they don't handle that sort of situation

    soooo could someone explain to me how this isnt a situation that the gm's of ware mane cant handle

    or at the very least who i can contact to fix this?

    I've spent way too much time earning these points and developing my character to wait another 20+ days for this

  2. Points aren't refundable in any manner.
    They are free and require no effort to collect, but you're completely responsible for their use and any mistakes.

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