1. 4 Weeks Ago  

    TBC gear and 70 twinks

    Hello I rarely ever post anything on forums but this time I felt like I should.

    So I was thinking of making a 70 twink but i found out that the vendors in nagrand and shattrath are despawned and area 52 sells furious/rele/wf instead of legacy season 2 and 3 also the missing npcs vendors are the ones supposed to sell brutal armor and weapons / offset.

    So I am just trying to understand why this is the case is there some reason that the only way to acquire BG gear is the coin shop?
    This gear should be obtainable in wrath of the lich king and those npcs should be there but they arent. Well I am not gonna bother with 70 twinking for that reason.

    I am sure that this is supposed to be a blizz like server even though there are some extras like xmog and so on but if anyone knows the reason for this please let me know.


  2. 4 Weeks Ago  
    I assume you're from icecrown.

    There's a subsection of the forum dedicated for twinking, a little unsure how resourceful it is as a place to search for stuff.

    From my understanding, you're able to get older season gear with tier tokens from certain vendors, tho I could be mistaken. (Unable to verify this second) I recommend double checking this in-game.

    There's no real 70 arenas that are active anyways to reach bis 70 gear when it comes to twinking, and if you're opposed to the idea of being unable to grind for the gear, fear not, as if you're a 10 coin premium champ, you're able to grind and sell gold thru the website to buy these cheap little pieces of epics.

    Either way, hope there's something there to help you on your twinking journey!

  3. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Hello I rarely ever post anything on forums but this time I felt like I should.

    So I was thinking of making a 70 twink but i found out that the vendors in nagrand and shattrath are despawned and area 52 sells furious/rele/wf instead of legacy season 2 and 3 also the missing npcs vendors are the ones supposed to sell brutal armor and weapons / offset.

    So I am just trying to understand why this is the case is there some reason that the only way to acquire BG gear is the coin shop?
    This gear should be obtainable in wrath of the lich king and those npcs should be there but they arent. Well I am not gonna bother with 70 twinking for that reason.

    I am sure that this is supposed to be a blizz like server even though there are some extras like xmog and so on but if anyone knows the reason for this please let me know.

    You can indeed only buy it for coins. Honestly, I would advice against level 70 twinking if you want to strictly do PVP. Don't get me wrong its a fun bracket and i myself have a 70 twink, but the BGs are atrocious. You will be the only level 70, everybody else will be 79. As a DPS this means that you will always be at a disadvantage because you will more or less never hit (and as you said, you can't effectively get PVP gear so you are going to get oneshot). If you play as a healer you will be consistantly outhealed and unless you donate and get full PVP gear you might aswell not play, as scaling is the only upside to playing PVP geared healer in the 70-79 bracket.

    Consider either trying some 70 PVE (if you're into that sort of thing) or just going 79 honestly. It's not fun to hear and I wish I didn't have to be the bearer of bad news, but here we are. I should also add that if you join a 70 PVE guild (which exist both on alliance and horde) they do actually organize WSG evenings against eachother!

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