1. 4 Weeks Ago  


    My quest line for Oracles is bugged. I did all the quests for Frenzyheart as they gave me and I never got the quest called A hero's burden and I am lvl 80 and I can't get any more quests for either Frenzy or Oracles(hated status). I want help getting it fixed so I can gain reputation with Oracles. I have tried killing the elite in the cave and then killed Zepik like google tell me to but Jaloot don't give me anything after that is done. So I can't get any further without help on what to do. Thank you in advance!

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  

  3. 1 Week Ago  
    The Frenzyheart didnt gave you the mission that changes sides? Odd... I did all the quests just fine. Still, you can get to exaxlted to frenzyheart first and maybe get the toy (the only desireable rep reward from them) and change sides anyway later. Theres a lich than has two "slaves" one oracle and one frenzyheart at the cave where the undead roams, its an 74 elite not too hard. At a moment in the fight, the slaves will attack you. Kill the one you want to chage sides with and they will join you, after that theyll send you to the corresponding base and now youre friendly with that faction. Its part of a quest chain but the dude is there anyway so i guess it will let you kill him to change sides anytime.

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