1. np logging in and spouting racial slurs to them

    i got you
    Sorry I didn't see this post til it was too late
    no h8 m8 sry for kill <3

  2. fuc u

    u suc

    making 79

    ur ded 2 me ombre


  3. You guys always find a way to make a thread cancerous. Lmao
    In russian "cancer" is a word-omonym [rak], also meaning a сrustacean.
    This word is also used to call noobish players(backpedalling+ mishandilng keyboard with claws).

  4. In russian "cancer" is a word-omonym [rak], also meaning a сrustacean.
    This word is also used to call noobish players(backpedalling+ mishandilng keyboard with claws).
    Why you putin this here?

  5. Cancer is the astrology sign that is packed full of contradictions so when it comes to independence, they possibly can or can not be independent. On one side, they have the perseverance and drive to do what needs to be done, they are self-sufficient and do not need to depend on other people for the material and physical things in life. On the other hand, they depend on people for emotional support and encouragement. A Cancer that is not fully self-actualized will need the constant support of others and will not be very independent but the Cancer that is 'evolved' and has properly harnessed their emotional issues will be wildly successful as an independent human being. They crave attention and comfort from other people and they are happiest when they have a small, close knit group of friends or family.

  6. jokz on u, am skorpian ))))))))))

  7. Cancer is the astrology sign that is packed full of contradictions so when it comes to independence, they possibly can or can not be independent. On one side, they have the perseverance and drive to do what needs to be done, they are self-sufficient and do not need to depend on other people for the material and physical things in life. On the other hand, they depend on people for emotional support and encouragement. A Cancer that is not fully self-actualized will need the constant support of others and will not be very independent but the Cancer that is 'evolved' and has properly harnessed their emotional issues will be wildly successful as an independent human being. They crave attention and comfort from other people and they are happiest when they have a small, close knit group of friends or family.
    Yeah well...Thats like...Your oppinion men...

  8. Nah, just show up with a bunch of 70s and farm the 79s until they leave.

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