1. best PvP class in this patch

    this might seem weird but it's true. i haven't played mop pvp before and I've started playing on frostwolf recently.

    what is the most faceroll class/spec for bgs and arenas (mostly 2s) in this patch?

    any answers would be appreciated :D

  2. Warrior and hunters all the way. Just punch your keyboard and you get 2k rating. :D

  3. Warriors and frost DKs are pretty strong atm and easy to play.
    Destro locks are also faceroll in bgs but not really viable in arena.
    However, if you're not willing to ever use your brain go BM hunter, it takes no skill whatsoever.

    P.S: germany sucks

  4. We need some sort of shaming ban for questions like these.

  5. If u want to beat 80% of population choose class that beats warriors. Thank me later :)

  6. If u want to beat 80% of population choose class that beats warriors. Thank me later :)
    nothing beats decent warrior on molten ;)

  7. nothing beats decent warrior on molten ;)

  8. this might seem weird but it's true. i haven't played mop pvp before and I've started playing on frostwolf recently.

    what is the most faceroll class/spec for bgs and arenas (mostly 2s) in this patch?

    any answers would be appreciated :D
    Is it hard to use that cool search button ? Your thread is another one from shetload laying around forum.

  9. Warriors and frost DKs
    Eh frost dk sucks in MoP, Low mobility. You can count a lot of cac comp but againt caster then good luck :p

    For the thread i would say on live warrior who represents near 20%+ of the ladder above 1800 if i remember, i will say also FrostMage and finally Hunter.

    The fact is you can handle warrior and hunt easily than a mage.

  10. Donate BIS and go feel strong.
    Any Class.

  11. Nobody mentioned healers lmao .. Holy Priest ftw.. IF you know how to play 1

  12. Thanks for all your answers. I've decided to go with warrior cuz it seem fun and it hsa always been my main class. cya all in-game :D

  13. Just go warrior. 5 keybind class doing stupid damage.
    Or hunter with no minim range anymore mindlessly spamming arcane shots.
    I feel sorry that i lvl-ed a shaman.. other specs than resto sham aint that good. almost 0 CC, mobility, and 0 "oh ****" buttons.

  14. Just go warrior. 5 keybind class doing stupid damage.
    Or hunter with no minim range anymore mindlessly spamming arcane shots.
    I feel sorry that i lvl-ed a shaman.. other specs than resto sham aint that good. almost 0 CC, mobility, and 0 "oh ****" buttons.
    All shaman specs are really viable atm they just need partner that can peel people off you.

  15. There is only 1 class/spec I run away from !!

    Lazer chichens !

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