1. The Flag of Ownership
    I know there are some people that would kill for this.

  2. I know there are some people that would kill for this.
    i am one of them

  3. every time i try it said try another...

  4. Well, thank you for picking me!

  5. Four accounts, all #42 (cause four twenty ofc):

    Tabard of Brilliance
    Murloc Costume + 18 VPs
    Orb of Sin'dorei
    Tabard of Frost and 8 coins

  6. 6 accounts and the only thing i got thats not pyrum bar is a murloc costume xd
    which didnt surprise me at all since every. time there is a. random worthless item giveaway i get a murloc costume :D

  7. Time lost figurine + 7 coins from # 29 on my MOP account, tabard of frost + 1.9 k gold from # 22 on my Cata account.

  8. murloc costume :D

    off:it would be nice to buy these goodie bags with vp,but i guess the staff wont ruin own business

  9. 3 accounts
    Murloc costume 1k+ gold
    Orb of Sin'dorei 1.4k+ gold
    Tabard of brilliance 1.6k+ gold

  10. Rocket Chicken + Elwynn Lamb

    I didn't expect anything from molten but this is just a fail.
    Remember that forum post on why goodie bags have been delayed for so long? All the promises just to give us a selection of 100 shiet items.

  11. I'm grateful with my reward, but I think this sums up how many people feel right now. :D

  12. I got Time Lost Figurine, kind of wish I could have gotten 3 or so coins with it for some things on the Marketplace or that the CD on it were not so long compared to the time I can use the costume, but it is better than nothing.

  13. I guess how you manage your time is your own problem. So if you think you spent "tons of years" here, then there's no one else but yourself to blame. On top of that, it was on a private server that can give you absolutely no guarnatee about the safety of your character / accounts (nor they are obligated to do this). If there's anyone you should curse and tell to go **** him/themselves, it's actually yourself. Cause if you didn't know about the risks, if after all this "ton of" time you didn't learn what private servers (and their population) are, then you're simply stupid.
    BullSh*t if it were a small server yea sure but molten-warmane was and still is the biggest server and safety of chars is the least you can expect from them.Was it their fault ? No,no one could have expected the things that happened.Let's just hope something like this does not happen again and if does happen(god forbid) that they would be ready for it ,as far as the cata pve goes i can't tell i don't play cataclysm.

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