View Poll Results: Would you like multiboxing to be allowed?

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  • Yes.

    268 28.21%
  • No.

    682 71.79%
  1. Pallzdani and tell me, onde guy ganking you with 1 char wouldnt be Annoying? That didnt made sense at all. That **** you parte made you loose your credibility

  2. Pallzdani and tell me, onde guy ganking you with 1 char wouldnt be Annoying? That didnt made sense at all. That **** you parte made you loose your credibility
    1 guy wouldn't be able to gank me at my level...that's the point I'm making. I would have an equal fighting chance, plus the people that tried to help me would of succeeded instead of dying with me and whispering 'Sorry bro, this is impossible' before logging off to level an alt. Made me lose my credibility? I spoke nothing but logic, it's not my fault you are either too dense to see it or too intent of defending your 'beloved' style of play, but also, since when the **** have I ever cared about what people think of me?o.O I don't wake up everyday needing rnd's to think good of me xD

  3. Obvoisly people suck in pvp.,hence no help for you.

  4. Obvoisly people suck in pvp.,hence no help for you.
    I didn't understand that message much, was you saying I suck at PvP or the people that tried to help me suck?o.O

  5. each Yes will be from a Multiboxer.
    So 5x Yes = 1 Votingperson LOL
    Made my day. We all seen how unfair thats in the battlegrounds. So 5x no :D

  6. 1 guy wouldn't be able to gank me at my level...that's the point I'm making. I would have an equal fighting chance, plus the people that tried to help me would of succeeded instead of dying with me and whispering 'Sorry bro, this is impossible' before logging off to level an alt. Made me lose my credibility? I spoke nothing but logic, it's not my fault you are either too dense to see it or too intent of defending your 'beloved' style of play, but also, since when the **** have I ever cared about what people think of me?o.O I don't wake up everyday needing rnd's to think good of me xD
    Dude calm down. My "style of play" LOL I've been multiboxing since 1 week ago XD.
    Are you really that dumb or just blinded by hatred? I'm talking about higj LVL ganking lowbies. Tou wouldntstand a chance and end up being ganked for 45 min equal. SSó whats the diference abiut being ganked by 1 char ir 3 or 5 chars? It would alway be unfair! Só it doesnt matter, ganking is ganking. End of story. Só dont hate ok MB BCS os ganking, doesnt make sense at all.

    The ceedibility parte, u gotta respect the other persons in order to be taken serioua

  7. Dude calm down. My "style of play" LOL I've been multiboxing since 1 week ago XD.
    Are you really that dumb or just blinded by hatred? I'm talking about higj LVL ganking lowbies. Tou wouldntstand a chance and end up being ganked for 45 min equal. SSó whats the diference abiut being ganked by 1 char ir 3 or 5 chars? It would alway be unfair! Só it doesnt matter, ganking is ganking. End of story. Só dont hate ok MB BCS os ganking, doesnt make sense at all.

    The ceedibility parte, u gotta respect the other persons in order to be taken serioua
    Why are you on about high level ganking low level? This Mboxer was my level...if I had run into a capped player ganking me then I would of logged off for about 10 minutes to make sure he left for new prey. A capped player ain't going to stand around waiting for a lowbie to relog when he would have better things to do. But this Mboxer was questing in the same area as me, so even if I logged off then back on he would be there questing whilst waiting to see if I turned back up.

    You seriously need to read my other posts before trying to judge my motives for hating Mboxing, until you do and understand them, stop with your irrelevant and bull**** replies.

    Also it doesn't matter if you have been Mboxing for 11 years, 5 years, 1 year, 1 month or even 1 hour it is a style of play that you're using...
    Lolwut? The respect point has no tie-in with the credibility point..that literally made 0 sense>.> But as a side-note, I respect everyone, until they give me a reason not to.
    Edited: October 1, 2015

  8. You can bring me this video where you do it all without any help from external software automatically replicating and transmitting orders to multiple clients too...
    Before I start I'd like to say that I'm not quoting you because I take issue with what you're saying specifically, but because I think you're clear and concise wording best expresses what a lot of people here are trying to get at. Normally a technical post like this would be better suited to the multiboxing forum but as long as we have a thread full of oneboxers who feel as though they're experts on the topic, let's go for it.

    What you're describing is far from impossible. It's just that nobody has bothered doing it because Blizzard has stated that the physical and software mechanics would be equivalent. Physical mechanisms require more resources to build and modify than virtual ones and that is the only thing that makes the difference non-trivial. And it's not just true because Blizzard said so, it's just true. Blizzard could say otherwise and be wrong, but at least it's their game to be wrong about. Blizz could plug their ears and say "we don't care it's our game, it doesn't have to make sense and we're not allowing one human to have more than one WoW window open at a time". Because Blizzard doesn't say that, nobody else can say that and expect to have their opinion taken seriously.

    Let me expand on another post I made earlier...

    ...Another way, which would be a really fun project in itself, would be to have five low-powered computers each running a wow client with it's own mouse and keyboard connected, but the identical keyboards would be stacked in a housing I would design. Each keyboard could be carefully drilled and modified to have a few vertical push rods press every one of that specific key in the stack. I could still change leads by changing /focus in a macro, grabbing another mouse, and looking at another monitor. This would involve zero software, would be one human physically operating each computer mechanically, and would coordinate the toons exclusively through in-game macros and keybindings without compromising my methods and playstyle at all
    I've been thinking through the details about this more. The only technicality that had me stuck for a while was that the wasd movement keys would break follow since they would all be mechanically pressed together. Disabling those keys on the four slaves would make master switching impossible. But it occurred to me that since I already use five macros on each of my five toons for switching masters...

    ...I could just add the following to each slave's existing macro to clear those keybindings...

    /script SetBinding("w");
    /script SetBinding("a");
    /script SetBinding("s");
    /script SetBinding("d");

    ...and add the folliwng to the master's macro to re-establish them.

    /script SetBinding("w","MOVEFORWARD");
    /script SetBinding("a","TURNLEFT");
    /script SetBinding("s","MOVEBACKWARD");
    /script SetBinding("d","TURNRIGHT");

    This seems perfectly workable in priciple. Chat would be diffucult since you can't temporarily deactivate the physical keypresses but you could simply have a second USB keyboard on your main that wouldn't affect the other computers. It may look like a lot of trouble to go through but I have an attic full of old computers/monitors/keyboards and I've worked on tougher casemod projects than this just for the joy of it. Regardless of how this opinion poll works out I'm going to start working on this in my off time as a proof-of-concept and try it on Lordaeron.

  9. 1 guy wouldn't be able to gank me at my level...that's the point I'm making. I would have an equal fighting chance,
    Curiousity really has me here I have to ask. What if we broke this incident down to characters, one vs 5/10/30 or so on. What is the thought on this? Is it unfair for a group of players to team up on one player?

  10. Curiousity really has me here I have to ask. What if we broke this incident down to characters, one vs 5/10/30 or so on. What is the thought on this? Is it unfair for a group of players to team up on one player?
    This way, the power is spread with all the party members, it is part of the game mechanic.
    It is not all the power of the world inside a single player to make him some sort of god of the server. Just like raids aren't made for a single player but to share the power of many to achieve an objective. If not, It is just cheating cuz It is not part of the game mechanic originally made.
    Dear cheaters, you will not become the God of Lordaeron. Deal with it.
    Edited: October 4, 2015

  11. What you're describing is far from impossible. It's just that nobody has bothered doing it because Blizzard has stated that the physical and software mechanics would be equivalent. Physical mechanisms require more resources to build and modify than virtual ones and that is the only thing that makes the difference non-trivial. And it's not just true because Blizzard said so, it's just true. Blizzard could say otherwise and be wrong, but at least it's their game to be wrong about. Blizz could plug their ears and say "we don't care it's our game, it doesn't have to make sense and we're not allowing one human to have more than one WoW window open at a time". Because Blizzard doesn't say that, nobody else can say that and expect to have their opinion taken seriously.
    You mean like Blizzard saying there shall be RDF, and a private server saying we won't have it?

    ...I could just add the following to each slave's existing macro to clear those keybindings...
    Does World of Warcraft detects and acts on key presses even when it's not the active window, though? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure if I change the focus to anything else - Skype, Facebook, Forums, whatever - to type a message, the game won't be acting on it, even with a single client open. Each client being its own focus, I also believe that it you type in one WoW window, you won't have that text automatically showing on the other windows. So, unless I'm getting you wrong, you're not doing it without any external software, but configuring one to use macros, which doesn't changes anything - you're still relying on something that isn't part of the game to interpret one combination of keys and turn that into multiple commands across different clients.

  12. Curiousity really has me here I have to ask. What if we broke this incident down to characters, one vs 5/10/30 or so on. What is the thought on this? Is it unfair for a group of players to team up on one player?
    As I stated in a post many pages back, I'm sure it was a reply to you but I could be wrong, it is much easier to avoid 5 individual people than it is 1 player with 5 character's. I can't be bothered retyping up all the reasons for it so go back and look for yourself, or don't I don't really care. And for 10 and 30, there would never be 10-30 people ganking one person, unless it was say a group of twinks, and if there actually was then that would be just very very sad, so pathetic that I wouldn't even bother complaining about them...because they just wouldn't be worth it.

  13. As I stated in a post many pages back, I'm sure it was a reply to you but I could be wrong, it is much easier to avoid 5 individual people than it is 1 player with 5 character's. I can't be bothered retyping up all the reasons for it so go back and look for yourself, or don't I don't really care. And for 10 and 30, there would never be 10-30 people ganking one person, unless it was say a group of twinks, and if there actually was then that would be just very very sad, so pathetic that I wouldn't even bother complaining about them...because they just wouldn't be worth it.
    just because you dont like/ dont aprove someone playstile you dont have the right to call it "pathetic". that is just plain stupid. oh and avoiding one person MB 5 chars is much easier than avoiding 5 guys. 1 person MBing 1 mini map to check for enemies. 5 person = 5 mini maps to check for ppl to gank so you got no point there. About what we were discussing above, high lvl ppl ganking lowbies is a reality and they can keep doing it for hours. It happened to me, specialy once we get to Outland, there is always that guy that camps other faction camps alone, and when someone comes to face him, his 3/4/5 friends jump in and wipe everyone. so whats the diference? MB or not MB ganking is screwing ppl day. Yes i'm insisting on this ganking stuff bcs that is what bothers ppl the most. no one cares if you do 5 man dungeons alone, if you bother about that, geez.. get a life. what bothers ppl is the ganking part. but ganking is part of the game, and stop getting lame excuses "oh but its 1 players ganking 3"... thats just an excuse and we all know it, you would be pissed the same way if it was 5 guys ganking 3 or even 5 (you know, 5 to 5 except that the ganking group would be higher lvl and more organized)

  14. just because you dont like/ dont aprove someone playstile you dont have the right to call it "pathetic". that is just plain stupid. oh and avoiding one person MB 5 chars is much easier than avoiding 5 guys. 1 person MBing 1 mini map to check for enemies. 5 person = 5 mini maps to check for ppl to gank so you got no point there. About what we were discussing above, high lvl ppl ganking lowbies is a reality and they can keep doing it for hours. It happened to me, specialy once we get to Outland, there is always that guy that camps other faction camps alone, and when someone comes to face him, his 3/4/5 friends jump in and wipe everyone. so whats the diference? MB or not MB ganking is screwing ppl day. Yes i'm insisting on this ganking stuff bcs that is what bothers ppl the most. no one cares if you do 5 man dungeons alone, if you bother about that, geez.. get a life. what bothers ppl is the ganking part. but ganking is part of the game, and stop getting lame excuses "oh but its 1 players ganking 3"... thats just an excuse and we all know it, you would be pissed the same way if it was 5 guys ganking 3 or even 5 (you know, 5 to 5 except that the ganking group would be higher lvl and more organized)
    I am starting to question your ability to read... Go back and re-read what I wrote. You will see I said that if a group of 10-30 set out on ganking one person then that's where did I mention MBing is pathetic, in that post. No, no it's not. What advantage does a mini-map give you? Unless you are a hunter or druid of course. But when I mention avoiding detection from a group (be individuals or Mboxer's) I was referring to the time it takes for them to notice me, to then all react compared to me noticing them and getting the **** out of range asap. From your reply I can tell you are not going to read my post , therefore I will not justify your points with an answer. So unless you do read my posts about the difference between escaping from a singleboxers party and a Mboxer's party, **** off :).

    And yes, there are those sad few capped players that will camp the bases in Hellfire, they are pathetic low-life's who suck at PvP and need to keep their e-peen up by killing defenseless questers, whether they are singleboxers or Multiboxers. What is your point? My point is, when ganked by a player on your level, you can surivive a singleboxer with skill. A multiboxer, or die. But you won't run far.

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