1. Where is your contribution? Which raid day would suit this server and its population the best? I see nothing from you. When i take a look on your old posts i see only negative responses. You just came in without a word to offend me in your first post.

  2. Can't argue with stupid?

    I realised you're stating the US reset day, let me repeat, US RESET DAY.Warmane is based/located in an european time frame/zone, the reset day for europe on retail is indeed what i've stated.But yes i guess americans really only think about themselves.
    I actually never knew the EU date was different.

    There's both a large US and EU population here. Obviously midday raid reset affect US raiders more than early week raid resets. Why obstruct US raiders when you can support both?

  3. Where is your contribution? Which raid day would suit this server and its population the best? I see nothing from you. When i take a look on your old posts i see only negative responses. You just came in without a word to offend me in your first post.
    ''They have extensive research data that concluded such a reset day is the best for majority of players'' I guess you can't read, or better said you don't have any hint of reading comprehension.I'm basing my opinion on the fact a multi bilion dollar gaming company knows the playerbase better than a couple of randoms like you, OP and me, hence the strong recommendation to follow their raid reset days.Hell, even tuesday morning is more than fine, but not the silly mid weekend suggestions that have been tossed around, or monday morning with no chance for reruns when most guilds raid sunday.

    Most guilds raid sunday and monday on retail btw.

  4. Warmane is moving raid lockouts to a time that more closely matches retail, and naturally people are crying favoritism. Lol.

  5. ''They have extensive research data that concluded such a reset day is the best for majority of players'' I guess you can't read, or better said you don't have any hint of reading comprehension.I'm basing my opinion on the fact a multi bilion dollar gaming company knows the playerbase better than a couple of randoms like you, OP and me, hence the strong recommendation to follow their raid reset days.Hell, even tuesday morning is more than fine, but not the silly mid weekend suggestions that have been tossed around, or monday morning with no chance for reruns when most guilds raid sunday.

    Most guilds raid sunday and monday on retail btw.
    A company which lost milions of subs?

    You are on Warmane which isnt Blizzard and who tells you Blizzard did put any research in it?

    My suggestion was saturday morning, just like it was stated by Proterean the first time when this was asked.

    And who cares when guilds on retail raid?

  6. I actually never knew the EU date was different.

    There's both a large US and EU population here. Obviously midday raid reset affect US raiders more than early week raid resets. Why obstruct US raiders when you can support both?
    Because US players can raid easily at the EU times, since it would be past 12 pm in the earliest for them.EU players can't raid at 7-8 pm for NA, or at least will find it much harder to.

  7. Most guilds raid sunday and monday on retail btw.
    Most guilds start their week raid on Tuesday on retail btw.

    Because US players can raid easily at the EU times, since it would be past 12 pm in the earliest for them.EU players can't raid at 7-8 pm for NA, or at least will find it much harder to.
    Didn't you say something about how US only cares about it's self? Why do you want to set it up in such a way that it only benefits EU primarily and US secondary. Not why focus on both primarily.
    Edited: October 9, 2015

  8. Warmane is moving raid lockouts to a time that more closely matches retail, and naturally people are crying favoritism. Lol.

    Read - they changed the thoughts about this after 15min of their inital statement. (and the inital statement didnt sound like *ugh* we are still thinking about it)

  9. Most guilds start their week raid on Tuesday on retail btw.


    Didn't you say something about how US only cares about it's self? Why do you want to set it up in such a way that it only benefits EU primarily and US secondary. Not why focus on both primarily.
    Because there's no way to focus on both primarily?It's ideologically impossible.One of the parts will 'suffer' in a way or another.The EU compromise holds little downside for NA though, and it is great for both EU guilds and the eu+na mix guilds, which i'm sure surpass the number of pure NA guilds on Lordaeron.In the end this brings the NA and EU communities together instead.

  10. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread....Raid-reset-day

    Read - they changed the thoughts about this after 15min of their inital statement. (and the inital statement didnt sound like *ugh* we are still thinking about it)
    So rather than reading his first statement in the context of his following statements, you're choosing to isolate it and throwing a fuss over how it looks to you like Warmane is bending over backwards for a certain guild.

  11. So rather than reading his first statement in the context of his following statements, you're choosing to isolate it and throwing a fuss over how it looks to you like Warmane is bending over backwards for a certain guild.
    I just want a proper discussion about it and know why that day was chosen.

  12. And when you ask for a real discussion, the trolls and haters leave.

  13. And when you ask for a real discussion, the trolls and haters leave.
    It's of their nature.

  14. Also id like to say we on deathwing have the reset on a sunday and you dont hear anyone complaining here so whats the difference between lord and DW ?

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