1. I'm sorry, but if you can't ignore this kind of abuse in WoW, you shouldn't be playing it. People on the internet are savage, very , very savage. It's your choice if you let them get to you.

  2. There's a great saying. "Dont feed the trolls". If you dont like what someone is saying why even reply? why waste your time and energy on someone you dont even want to talk to?

  3. Roll a healer, or even better roll a tank. Then as soon as you threaten to leave they will shut up, because finding a new tank takes ages.

    And if you think WoW is bad you should try moba games like Heroes of Newerth and DotA. Dear god.

    In the end its just the internet. Dont take anyone seriously here, try to imagine them not as people but just text on your screen lol

  4. Wow has high emotionally impact,so care ;D
    One way or another is just a game,tip:Do not take it for real.
    Peole will always complain about something even when there is no need for that they still find something,it's in human nature lol

  5. Last night, I was in a Halls of Reflection group and was verbally abused for battle rezzing the wrong person. This really got under my skin, caused me to lose my **** in global and quit WoW altogether, and by altogether I mean both retail and private servers in general.

    Unfortunately, I find myself already wanting to come back even though I know I'm going to take the abuse from players once again. I had even deleted my level 80 toon last night to try to get serious about not bringing myself to be abused by the players once again and I already want to restore him once I have enough activity points to do so.

    Honestly, I have no idea how both the players and the Warmane staff deal with the abusive community. Hell, I'm sure even after Kaer regained control, the staff still continues to take abuse from players.

    Maybe I'm just thin skinned compared to the players and the staff, I dunno.
    You ragequit an entire game and delete your char, cos some random moaned at you in a dungeon? Just /ignore the guy or tell him/her to go F themselevs, OR try to be civil and tell them to calm down. Grow a thicker skin while you're at it.

  6. i play solo as much as possible. when i do have to team up for stuff i simply don't talk any more than is required to complete whatever it is i am doing. and the ignore list is a beautiful thing.

  7. Last night, I was in a Halls of Reflection group and was verbally abused for battle rezzing the wrong person. This really got under my skin, caused me to lose my **** in global and quit WoW altogether, and by altogether I mean both retail and private servers in general.

    Unfortunately, I find myself already wanting to come back even though I know I'm going to take the abuse from players once again. I had even deleted my level 80 toon last night to try to get serious about not bringing myself to be abused by the players once again and I already want to restore him once I have enough activity points to do so.

    Honestly, I have no idea how both the players and the Warmane staff deal with the abusive community. Hell, I'm sure even after Kaer regained control, the staff still continues to take abuse from players.

    Maybe I'm just thin skinned compared to the players and the staff, I dunno.
    make sure you restore your character before the "30" (more like 15) day period before they delete it permanantly. this happened to me and i made a ticket and they told me nope.. cant do it

  8. Thick skin and a set of cast iron balls.
    But in all honesty,if that got under your skin,perhaps the people that suggest you'd switch a game ain't too far off the right idea.
    By Mists of pandaria (at least alliance side) /global chats standards,what you got was a sunny weather with rainbows and unicorns. There are people that spam stuff that even gets me questioning humanity,and i have been around for years,so what you saw was not even the tip of the iceberg.
    Usually whenever i play i just switch this ''**** off'' mode on,it just happens automatically,and that helps quite a lot.

    The only tip i can give you is: If it's not a person that you know off,assume straight away that he is a clueless wanker,if it turns out to be true,dealing with the infidel will be much simpler and far easier on your nerves.

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