1. May 16, 2016  
    You can check out these quotes from Blue posts on blizzards forums (Blue posts = Blizzards employees posts, in case you're not familiar with blizzards forums):

    Quote from: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3595572312#18
    Not to put too fine a point on it, Deftspecter, but the practice of multi-boxing is not something that you need to hear convincing arguments for or against. It isn't your policies that must be upheld.

    While multi-boxing isn't supported, as long as they are not using automation to control their characters, and are actively playing them, they aren't violating our policies.

    The fact is, a player may own multiple copies of the game. They may have up to 8 World of Warcraft accounts registered to one Battle.net account. They may have multiple Battle.net accounts and they may log into two or more different World of Warcraft accounts at the same time.

    This works in favour of multi-boxing but it also helps those who own more than one World of Warcraft account, like a parent who also has an account for their minor child, so they may play together.

    You are welcome to provide your constructive feedback regarding the matter, within the General Discussion forum or even the PvP: Battleground forum. I'd recommend confining commentary to your point of view, not the 99%+ that may have a differing opinion.
    Quote from: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2112511477#11
    "I reported a multi boxer last night only to have a gm tell me thats it does NOT break the ToS well great everyone start multi boxing !!! looks like blizz no longer cares about proivding a service which we pay for . What else can the cheating bugger cheat now ? maybe we all should just do it
    Bloody joke imo."

    It sounds as though you may have confused multi-boxing with botting, Facépull. Multi-boxing is not against the TOU since it does require actual human interaction when playing multiple characters at the same time. Botting, on the other hand, is against the TOU. Bots are automated 3rd party programs that need no human touch.

    I hope this helps to clear up any confusion. We definitely do appreciate your report, however. Continue to report anything in game that appears to be some form of bot use. We will gladly investigate for you. :)
    Quote from: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3196391699#5
    "Is Multi-boxing against TOS? People seem to be pretty blatant about doing it, but it seems to me it's exploitive and.."

    No, Multi-boxing, as long as they are not automating their actions, is not against our Terms of Use.

    "..gives an unfair advantage against others players, which is outlined in the TOS."

    Multi-boxing may give a person an advantage against a single character, but so would a group of individually controlled characters. 5 vs 1 will always be 5 vs 1. Multi-boxers have a great many weaknesses, that a team of 5 characters would not.
    Quote from: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2593000221#6
    "Because they All attack at the same time there is no chance to to defend myself unless I already Divine protection on and even then it only gives me enough time to activate divine shield at which point some one else dies and then me again shortly after."

    Just as there would be no chance to defend yourself if three individual characters all ganged up on you. In a 3 on 1 scenario, be they controlled by one character or three, you are likely in trouble.

    Multiboxing, as long as it is the registered user of the account controlling the characters, is permitted.
    And here is a response from one of our Warmane moderator to a question "Is multiboxing Bad": http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=327291
    The "final conclusion" is that because people who create threads complaining about it and those who take part in it are the ones against it, obviously. This is like saying the "final conclusion" of asking if meat is bad on a vegan meeting is "yes."

    Either way, we're neutral about multiboxing. It isn't encouraged, but it isn't forbidden in any way.
    I wrote a little thread on multiboxing as an answer to similar topics as thisone, you can see it here: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=330004

  2. May 16, 2016  
    Clearly you aren't aware of what "3rd party program" means.

    EDIT: Just saw you said addon. Addons cant repeat spell casting, so it's obvious that multiboxers aren't just using addons only.

    I'm curious where the greyline of multiboxing and exploiting goes. These 3rd programs basically send key to other clients. It's not far anymore from just sending key when target is casting and so on.
    It's usually programs that just send the same key press to multiple WoW clients. The key still has to be pressed by the player so technically nothing is automated. Some programs also allow sending mouse clicks to other WoW clients but that's not really accurate and I don't think multiboxers use it much. If it was more automated than that it could be considered botting and would be bannable.

  3. May 16, 2016  
    Ok, since you don't want to pull your head from a deep dark place and look the addon up, all clients that you run on the PC have to have the addon running. You open the addon settings and select the character you're primarily going to be looking at to be the "Master" and you set the other as slaves. The addon communicates to itself thru each client to send the button presses. On top of that, you can also set it so that with the push of a button, it puts your other toons on auto follow. Now, instead of automatically assuming all boxers are using a 3rd party program and making yourself look dumb, look up the friggin addon.
    I did, and it doesnt provide necessary spell casting functions. Multiboxers still have to use 3rd party software regardless of this addon. I'd love to see you prove me wrong.

  4. May 16, 2016  
    I've used it without any other extra crap. I push a button on my keyboard and the same thing happens across all clients. Instead of running your mouth, follow the setup directions and give it a shot. Regardless of what you do, I'm done arguing with you about it. You're a waste of breath who thinks they know everything.

  5. May 16, 2016  
    I've used it without any other extra crap. I push a button on my keyboard and the same thing happens across all clients. Instead of running your mouth, follow the setup directions and give it a shot. Regardless of what you do, I'm done arguing with you about it. You're a waste of breath who thinks they know everything.
    An addon can not make the character cast spells. Jamba addon helps with questing and other things while multiboxing by communicating between the characters. Another program is still required to send key presses to the other WoW clients if you want to cast spells. Spell cast requires hardware input (click or key press) on that WoW client and an addon simply can not do that. If addons were able to cast spells and do other things that require hardware input there would be botting addons.

  6. May 16, 2016  

    This shamman made like 5-6 characters,and some sort of script where he uses all spells on every char on at the same time.So 6x chain lightning,6x heals,6x magma totems,6x lightning strike...i mean,come on,how is this even allowed ?
    Oh dear here we go a again. This has got to be maybe the 5th post about multiboxing I've seen in recent days outside the "multiboxing" section of the forum. This has been stated so many times by GM's and warmane dev's that they don't even bother replying to these posts anymore. Multiboxing isn't cheating or hacking it does not violate warmanes terms and conditions. And as someone has said before a very well coordinated attack can beat a multiboxer and as you said yourself you were winning so I see no problem here.

  7. May 16, 2016  
    Funny thing people *****in bout 5 slots taken,when you donate 2k usd (And keep donating) you prolly could ***** bout MB taking slots,but most of us donate regularly to Warmane/former Molten.

  8. May 16, 2016  
    I don't understand how the use of a 3rd party is allowed to begin with.

  9. May 17, 2016  
    I don't understand how the use of a 3rd party is allowed to begin with.
    Addons are 3rd party programs as well.

  10. May 17, 2016  
    If I'm not mistaken, some priest and 4 balance druids got banned during the TBC periode on Lordaeron. This shaman hasn't played since then untill now I guess. It was bannable in PvP but now all out of the sudden it's allowed.

    Let's not make illusions. The only reason this is allowed is because that shaman pays x5. Same as on retail where multiboxer subscribers pay. It's all about the money.

  11. May 17, 2016  
    It was always allowed,ever since launch of Lordaeron.I dont know where you got your facts mister.You are gravely mistaken.
    And if they got banned,it hell wasnt for Multiboxing.

  12. May 17, 2016  
    It was always allowed,ever since launch of Lordaeron.I dont know where you got your facts mister.You are gravely mistaken.
    And if they got banned,it hell wasnt for Multiboxing.
    I was online almost 24/7 during tbc and this priest gave me the programs to start multiboxing myself. He was camping area 52 nonstop, disc+4 boomkins. He got banned for multiboxing.

    Don't tell me my facts are wrong. They banned him for multiboxing + camping area 52 24/7 and then made multiboxing in pvp bannable.
    Edited: May 17, 2016

  13. May 17, 2016  
    I was online almost 24/7 during tbc and this priest gave me the programs to start multiboxing myself. He was camping area 52 nonstop, disc+4 boomkins. He got banned for multiboxing.
    That sir is bull**** :D

  14. May 17, 2016  
    Why don't you ask the staff for logs about ppl gettig banned back then.

  15. May 17, 2016  
    I was online almost 24/7 during tbc and this priest gave me the programs to start multiboxing myself. He was camping area 52 nonstop, disc+4 boomkins. He got banned for multiboxing.

    Don't tell me my facts are wrong. They banned him for multiboxing + camping area 52 24/7 and then made multiboxing in pvp bannable.
    Link me a thread where it says multiboxing in pvp is bannable /(tbc) .

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