1) If you are going to look at ranksings, you compare logs for your ilvl bracket so it's with people of similar gear and it actually means something. What I linked are real logs, perhaps you haven't played retail in a while but nowadays you can filter by ilvl. Not even hating on him, as I haven't even looked at any of the logs, just linked. If you expect molten players to be putting up purple parses on the reg, well all I have to say to that is 'Welcome to Retail'.
For example,
Many people with good parses in the same kill. More skill/RNG reliant then other factors.
2) It is very rare that guilds specifically pad 1-2 people in a kill. And outside maybe the top 5(and I doubt that even) they are all legitimate. My guild has/had plenty of 95th percentiles+, and we never specially pad. I'll be honest, no top guild I've been in/heard of/raided with has ever sat there and said "ok guys player X is going for a rank1 parse. Everyone help him out." Most people that get good parses just start aoe first, cleave, etc, skill related things, not buff related, exceptions to that are Tyrant and Killrog parses, but anyone who is looking at logs would know that.
DPS Rankings never matter. I was just trying to show how meaningless simcraftDPS rankings are.