1. bro i cant login in my account even if i put numbers from code what i get on email.Most stupid things i ever see... Realy no coment..

  2. Hello,

    anybody knows how long it can take support to answer me ? I am just curious. My primary acc is too old too remember gmail. My secondary acc is ok verification works here and i got access to secondary acc easily. Btw i made secondary mail only cuz stupid "only Gmail bullsht" and i belive that a lot of innocent players will suffer only due to only gmail policy.

    But if this change will stop multibox and things like that i will be able to swallow that bitter drink and i will continue only with secondary acc. If this wont solve multibox sht, than i think that it will hurt server more than help it but i hope this wont happen.

    Thx for help, have a great day.

  3. I spent 40 minutes to log in to my account, but... my ip address has already changed 4 times and won't let me into the game. It's brilliant!

  4. Hello, anybody knows how long it can take support to answer me ?
    It always depends on the volume of tickets that were opened before yours. If it took you a while, there could be hundreds ahead of you in the line.

    i belive that a lot of innocent players will suffer only due to only gmail policy
    Then they are suffering due to not reading the first post in this thread.

    my ip address has already changed 4 times
    If your IP changes four times in 40 minutes, you would get disconnected from anything - any game or service - that relies on your IP the same four times. Either you're making that up or you have much bigger issues with your ISP that would keep you from playing than authenticating your account.

  5. Warmane: "Am i out of touch? No, its the 32 pages of user replies who are wrong."

  6. It is called Using VPN BTW & is Totally Legal & Most Players from CN India Iran and parts of East EU use it, The Point is Making is Right This So Called Security Changes sound good on paper but the Code 10 Min + to Reach and you Supposed to Listen To Watch Tiktok or smth, and If This Option Meant To increase Security, Then in case He has the Account Email This Option Is useless Because if anyone allegedly Can Hack / Expoilt The Gmail Service Then it's not Warmane issue, and if So Called Hacker/Scammer/exporter has Your Account info's Then it's The player fault, so in the End 2FA in the game is Dumb & useless & it's done to limit access and not Maintain Security, Why? It is good for The Staff & GM/Admins but the So-called 12K players or Even Half of spamming the System for 2FA Code constantly, Is overloading the system Whoever Done this Doesnt know Warmane Base Players, and in The End, As mentioned Looks Good On Paper Only

  7. Worst decision ever made. Since it was implemented, I have not been able to log in to any account. I want to mention that I use 5 different accounts with 5 different email addresses.
    It is 20.09.2023 and I still haven't managed to log in. I don't receive the code on time, regardless of which account I want to enter.
    If this nonsense is not resolved in time... I may leave this game for good, implicitly the server.

    Have a good day !

  8. Dear Warmane,

    You really gave a 3 day notice to implement this decision????????????

    Some people here have a job, have a life and a decision like this should be implemented in a long term, and people ingame should be notified beforehand, not out of the blue in 3 days????????????? lol

    I can't login now in half my accounts, and i had emails from 10 years or so i can't even login on the email itself , i had some of my accounts since molten, please think twice and remove the 2 step atleast for an extended period until next year or so and inform everybody in advance and provide an appropriate time-frame

  9. I enter the codes but still nothing happens! Help!

  10. authenticator code

    can someone help me with my authenticator code because i forgot my email. My account is old and i dont remeber it.

  11. I just logged in for the first time since Warmane implemented this. First I already had 2 factor authentication via email enabled.

    My experience is exactly the same as before. I have a GMail address, and I received the code basically instantly.

    One tip, as it was previous suggested, is to not have too much of a pause between when the website asks you for the code and when you actually enter it.

    Why would you create account with fake email addresses?

    In any case, I understand that it may be difficult for others in countries where the internet is restricted, though I'm not sure what the solution would be. Maybe contacting support about removing two factor authentication on their account?

  12. This really isn't helping. I've been playing for so long that I don't think I have my original email anymore. I haven't received any reset emails/phone numbers, and can't set up MS Authenticator until I do have access. I've been cut off from 10 lvl80s. There should be a better solution.

  13. I realize why youve done these changes but i belive you couldve done it better with something like mandatory email update one mounth before you post a forum thread four days before you make the changes.

  14. How about letting ppl change email adresses to the main email and also allow create new wow accounts under the main email?

    You know because most ppl have multiple accounts and were forced to create fake emails to create new accounts because when they entered email already in use, they could not create new account. Fix that 1st, then you can maybe force email authorization to ppl.

    Thank you.

  15. I can't login now in half my accounts, and i had emails from 10 years or so i can't even login on the email itself , i had some of my accounts since molten, please think twice and remove the 2 step atleast for an extended period until next year or so and inform everybody in advance and provide an appropriate time-frame
    How it didn't occur to you that you might want to recover/change the emails when you noticed you don't have access to them anymore?
    You can start your accounts' recovery process by sending email to Warmane's support, the address is [email protected]

    I realize why youve done these changes but i belive you couldve done it better with something like mandatory email update one mounth before you post a forum thread four days before you make the changes.
    Warmane heavily overestimated the room temperature high IQ's of some of its players.

    Those who cared about having email that works, or being able to access to one linked to their account, would've done that without mandatory push/requirement from Warmane. Only those who haven't bothered/cared to have everything in order with their accounts, are now dealing with the consequences. Lesson learned I hope.
    Your email is your key to Warmane, and some people tossed it out of the window the day they opened that door. The fault isn't Warmane's, it's on players who didn't bother keeping tabs on their emails and account security.

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