Same Question. We want to balance more this server with transfer to the alliance
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- Faction and race changes will be available when Phase 1 starts as to avoid unfair advantages during the leveling race.
Yes now its available, thanks
Hello, I wanted to know when you leave to learn the engineering helicopter in the onyxia realm. Thanks a lot.
You could add account wide achievements, not anyone can do hours of the same achievs just because he want to try a new char :D
Dates for the next Raid contents and Arena Seasons:
Phase 2 Raid Content: February 22, 2025 (Serpentshrine Cavern / Tempest Keep)
Phase 3 Raid Content: May 24, 2025 (Black Temple / Hyjal)
Phase 4 Raid Content: July 26, 2025 (Zul'Aman)
Phase 5 Raid Content: September 20, 2025 (Sunwell)
Season 1: November 20, 2024 (currently running)
Season 2: February 26, 2025
Season 3: May 28, 2025
Season 4: September 24, 2025
The original post has been updated with the information above. Please stay tuned for more information in the future.
Yes. That's correct.
Question: will there be an arena points wipe after the 1st arena season's end in February 2025? I am asking this because i read somewhere that in the original tbc there was no such arena points wipe, at least not between the first several seasons. Would be very grateful for the admin's response on this. Thank you!
will advance to wotlk
This info would be great to know.