1. in game no age limit everyone can play wow
    but i see someone is born bad and none can change that
    powerk1ng i understand you cuz i was in same situation but just play game mark thouse plls who gank you
    for ganking when you get 80
    what ever you write they will not understand specially me lol
    maybe they are born withaout love of parents and now own angry put on ppls in game
    lol skuddy have Drkwispurr to defend him lol
    you see how this forum is going old ppls will make new ppls to looks bad cuz they are arogant

    and here some good music for all enjoy

    Edited: August 28, 2016

  2. Lets not missunderstand the goal of the replies here, I'm here to defend the basics of a PvP mmo server the way it is supposed to be. Some others can't accept it, they always want the game in easy mode and log on forums whine for being ganked obssessed with a wall of text. I think it's pretty obvioues who's the arrogant in here. Next time think twice before you insult someone, especially those who understand how the game works.

  3. because it pisses them off, far more than a lvl 80 gets pissed when you kill them. may not be fun for you, but it is for some of us. doesn't mean we're "subhuman".

    ya, school issues, im 27, left school behind a long time ago. and i get along good with me ol man. is it really that hard to understand that i simply enjoy pissing people off?
    are you implying, it doesnt piss off lvl 80s to get camped for hours? I dont get your point really. the same way it pisses off low levels, it pisses high levels too. what's the difference? Im genuinely curious, do you think lvl 80s dont get pissed off? because I've had people swapping to a character of an opposite faction, to tell me not to camp them. so explain to me, why on earth would you camp or gank level 30s when you can do same to lvl 80s.

    your argument was flawed so try finding a better excuse for it ;p

    I mean, I know why people gank low levels, we all know why, im sure. Because those people, are **** at the game, and its easier for them to one shot lvl 30s, than fairly kill 80s. Because, I repeat, they're basic ****.
    Im not saying you shouldnt gank lvl 30s, its a pvp game after all, but if you do it, instead of ganking 80s and you get called an autistic ****, dont get offended because its somewhat true, isnt it? and if its not, I repeat, give me a decent reason why'd you gank a low level instead of lvl 80 ? :b

  4. and you know right?
    are you profi?
    i see you always put some negativity against ppls who say abaut ganking low level
    then how you cant understand my writing
    you give brain for all
    next time when somone need some info all need to pm you
    is it good when ppls make post here and say own problems to make with your post like they cry or idk
    think about
    i personaly dont have nothing agaist you but lisent onothers understand them they dont post for nothing
    before on my post you present me like i was crying on forum and now you do same to onothers
    so dear Drkwispurr stop with negativity and let ppls present own problems thats why forum egsist
    if you kill they words next time none will post nothing
    cuz no use to post when here is same ppls who waiting to kill thouse posts
    if you cant help them dont make worst
    give some advise which they can use help them that is good way and all will respect that
    treat all same dont choise a sides be neutral
    nothing to defend here no need to defend and none put you as defender of pvp
    here is problem of morality strong atack low ppl
    if ppls feel good after kiling low level that means he have big problems
    i mark all my gankers and i will return to them special gank let they feel same as i feel when i level
    i even i game help low level now when i am 80 give them some gold do dungeons with them is not point kill a will of pll
    to play beter is to let them to get own 80l and make true pvp 80 vs 80
    not coward pvp 80 vs low level
    i dont have nothing to say enymore
    god bless you all
    Edited: August 28, 2016

  5. They kill low levels, bcz they can't kill 80s. :D

  6. They kill low levels, bcz they can't kill 80s. :D
    90% of the time it's this, or 85s or 90s depending your realm ofc. If you get gank'd by a max lvl player, just check their hp quick to gauge their gear and you will see they are mostly a badly geared and probably just bad player that cant kill someone their own level and gets some small measure of enjoyment from ganking lower levels. It's pretty pathetic actually, and what I do is log onto a char of their faction and let them know just how pathetic they are and how they cant kill anyone their own level. Just laugh at them and humiliate them, since that's exactly what they deserve.

  7. so dear Drkwispurr stop with negativity and let ppls present own problems thats why forum egsist
    if you kill they words next time none will post nothing
    cuz no use to post when here is same ppls who waiting to kill thouse posts
    if you cant help them dont make worst
    give some advise which they can use help them that is good way and all will respect that
    You must be joking, right? Several players come here on forums create threads with wall of texts bashing the PvP aspect and insulting all of those who have ganked you and the others. I said one thousand times that it's the game the way it is and nothing against server rules. I said another thousand times that I also agree that it's kinda lame killing low level players (gray level that is) for no reason.
    On almost every thread talking about ganking I even bothered to give all of the advices I could. Forgot them? I can post here again for you (again... my god) - Don't go quest in the most populated zones. If you get camped, you can follow these methods, 1. Go take a break for 15 minutes (afk or offline) or more untill he leaves, 2. Go level in other zones instead, for example, you get killed in Stranglethorn, ress in spirit, HS, fly desolace, 3. Call for help in General / Global chat.
    If I recall correctly, I said this on the other topic that you created some days ago, yes, I had the intention of helping YOU, and you either didn't get it due to your lack of english comprehension, which I honestly can't blame, or, you simply refused to listen. And yet, you have the autacity of accusiong me of negativity?
    Sure, everyone is free to write here on forums giving their feedback, at least allow me to demonstrate how certain threads are more unnecessary than others, such as all of those regarding gankings. They all turn into a massive childish fights, you may check yours if you think what I'm saying is untrue.

  8. are you implying, it doesnt piss off lvl 80s to get camped for hours? I dont get your point really. the same way it pisses off low levels, it pisses high levels too. what's the difference? Im genuinely curious, do you think lvl 80s dont get pissed off? because I've had people swapping to a character of an opposite faction, to tell me not to camp them. so explain to me, why on earth would you camp or gank level 30s when you can do same to lvl 80s.

    your argument was flawed so try finding a better excuse for it ;p

    I mean, I know why people gank low levels, we all know why, im sure. Because those people, are **** at the game, and its easier for them to one shot lvl 30s, than fairly kill 80s. Because, I repeat, they're basic ****.
    Im not saying you shouldnt gank lvl 30s, its a pvp game after all, but if you do it, instead of ganking 80s and you get called an autistic ****, dont get offended because its somewhat true, isnt it? and if its not, I repeat, give me a decent reason why'd you gank a low level instead of lvl 80 ? :b
    i never said a 80 doesn't get pissed off, but from my own experience back when cross faction whisper was a thing, low levels sent far more hate mail than lvl 80s ever did. maybe it was different for some, but that was my experience with it.

    and i don't need an excuse, i kill lowbies because i like it, and i could care less what anyone thinks about it, or what they call me for it, at the end of the day if they ***** and moan about it and call me names for it, i've achieved my goal and will start over the next day.

  9. Good thing nobody can camp a multiboxer hah (being lv 80 ) :) Maybe bigger group ,but they are never together unless raid or raid on oppossite cities.
    Low level ganking happens,deal with it.Dont qq,make 10 MBoxers ,level em to 80 then spill your hate haha :)

  10. You must be joking, right? Several players come here on forums create threads with wall of texts bashing the PvP aspect and insulting all of those who have ganked you and the others. I said one thousand times that it's the game the way it is and nothing against server rules. I said another thousand times that I also agree that it's kinda lame killing low level players (gray level that is) for no reason.
    On almost every thread talking about ganking I even bothered to give all of the advices I could. Forgot them? I can post here again for you (again... my god) - Don't go quest in the most populated zones. If you get camped, you can follow these methods, 1. Go take a break for 15 minutes (afk or offline) or more untill he leaves, 2. Go level in other zones instead, for example, you get killed in Stranglethorn, ress in spirit, HS, fly desolace, 3. Call for help in General / Global chat.
    If I recall correctly, I said this on the other topic that you created some days ago, yes, I had the intention of helping YOU, and you either didn't get it due to your lack of english comprehension, which I honestly can't blame, or, you simply refused to listen. And yet, you have the autacity of accusiong me of negativity?
    Sure, everyone is free to write here on forums giving their feedback, at least allow me to demonstrate how certain threads are more unnecessary than others, such as all of those regarding gankings. They all turn into a massive childish fights, you may check yours if you think what I'm saying is untrue.

    pls dont help me enymore
    and yes negativity cuz you present me and onother like we cry and that was not a case
    if we come to forum to ask something frome you or enyone no need for suche behave just guide us dont coment on us
    i am not child i have 32 y and i am mother of one child that rude i never see in my life
    i know i am new here but your coments on my eng was rly rly anoing ,,ohhh can somone translete please what she write,, comon
    i know i dont know good eng but you and skuddy and onothers atacking eny post that makes me angry
    i wish you all best

  11. pls dont help me enymore
    and yes negativity cuz you present me and onother like we cry and that was not a case
    if we come to forum to ask something frome you or enyone no need for suche behave just guide us dont coment on us
    i am not child i have 32 y and i am mother of one child that rude i never see in my life
    i know i am new here but your coments on my eng was rly rly anoing ,,ohhh can somone translete please what she write,, comon
    i know i dont know good eng but you and skuddy and onothers atacking eny post that makes me angry
    i wish you all best
    I gave you all the help I could on the other thread, so yeah I guess you don't need anything else. It's now up to you how you will manage the rest. I already said that people have the rights to write on the forums whatever they want, the problem is, after 10 replies helping/giving them suggestions, they still totally ingore it and still keep pushing it, tell me if that's fine.
    My apologies in case you got offended by my "evaluation" on your english, but i gotta be honest, I just didn't understand what you said back there, that's not my fault...
    And lastly, to make it clear, I don't come here to attack the other forum users, I just have the intention to defend the basics of the game and the server, but if I see people ignoring it, I have no other choice but being harder.
    All the best for you aswell.

  12. This Sandretta is a such beach, omfg, give me your ingame name, I want to corpse camp you for 6 hours

  13. This Sandretta is a such beach, omfg, give me your ingame name, I want to corpse camp you for 6 hours
    SSanjin tell ur nickname too pro ;D

  14. yea you are all pro lol
    Edited: August 29, 2016

  15. The majority of ganking in Lich seems to be in Tanaris in my experience, Alliance multiple times a day killing the guards, even recently seen actual groups of alliance just hanging around gates ganking everyone that go past, all the gankers are level 80 and one/two shotting players.

    People often say alliance is worse and in my experience thats true, when I use my alliance alts have been lower level, whilst when as horde alliance players hunt you down and slaughter you.

    I only ganked twice, once to defend someone I was grouping wih and couldn't tell who started it as the alliance player was 5 levels higher than my character, when I noticed my partner was dead I turned round and saw the alliance player stand there so I attacked him.

    Due to my lack of experience with PVP I was killed despite bing like 6 levels higher than this person and them only having half health, not sure if it was because they were a warrior and I was a rouge so had weak armour and health.

    2nd time was just as a test and humiliating, he was 15 levels lower and 4/5 health and I lost I didn't notice that as I was trying to stun them they had a move that damaged the ground I walked on until it was too late.

    I need to learn how pvp works to defend myself.

    As for gankers it is annoying when either they are just wimps and its like 3 or 4 on 1, even more so when its a level 80 with like 2 or 3 level 50s or when I am attacking a NPC and my health is low and they attack as you have no way of fighting back.

    But hey I know some people just need something to make themselves feel good as thats all they have in life.

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