Hello there.
I created (actually most of them should be allready known by all of you :D) some macros for sublety spec, keeping in mind that rogues are broken nowadays, but maybe they help u as they help me ATM.
Im opened to hear some advices, sugestions, and changes too.
- Some Alternatives are for unbugged rogue.

Melee Opener
#Showtooltip Premeditation
/Castsequence reset=20 Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Recuperate, Evasion

You premed, get behind target, get 5 CP points to get a full 5CP recuparate having a total heal of 50k during figth, then using evasion to get full dodge.
Caster Opener
#showtooltip Premeditation
/Castsequence reset=20 Premeditation, Garrote, Backstab, Recuperate, Combat Readiness

You premed, get behind target, silence him for 5 sec(with glyph), Backstab, then 4CP recuperate, and finally combat readiness up.
Shadow Dance Haste
#Showtooltip Shadow Dance
/Castsequence reset=60 Shadow dance, Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Slice and Dice

This makes u get a full 5CP slice and dice with enemy not hitting you. (50% haste boost means a lot for a rogue in a figth, melee is a big part of the damage u deal).

Shadow Eviscerate
#Showtooltip Shadow Dance
/Castsequence reset=60 Shadow dance, Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Eviscerate

You deal a 5CP Eviscerate in 2 secs, stunning enemy for 2secs.

Shadow Stunning Ambush
#Showtooltip Shadow Dance
/Castsequence reset=60 Shadow dance, Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Shadow Step, Ambush, Ambush, Kidney shot

This will be usefull if ambush is fixed. You stun enemy for 2 secs, get 5 CP, Ambush x2, then Stun target for 6 secs. Maybe its a long chain, but if enemy doesnt know how to play his class he will get confused and let you finish this sequence not braking ur first stun.

Shadow Recuperate
#Showtooltip Shadow Dance
/Castsequence reset=60 Shadow dance, Premeditation, Shadowstep, Cheap Shot, Recuperate

You get a 5CP recuperate, usefull when enemy brakes your opener and ****s your starting healing.

Shadow Haste Silence
#Showtooltip Shadow Dance
/Castsequence reset=60 Shadow dance, Premeditation, Cheap Shot, Slice and dice, Garrote

You stun enemy for 2 sec, get 50%+ haste speed, silence him for 4 sec making enemy to bleed and getting 5 CP up. Usefull againts casters.

Shadow Silence
#showtooltip Shadow Dance
/castsequence reset=60 Premeditation, Shadow Dance, Shadowstep, Garrote

You instantly silence your target for 5 secs (with glyph) having 3 CP up left.

Blind and Heal
#Showtooltip Blind
/Castsequence reset=120 Blind, Cloak of Shadows, Vanish

This macro blinds your target for 10 secs, takes off ur debuffs and overtime damaging skills and finally you vanish.
Gotta say something about this macro, sometimes makes me win a battle just using this.
You should use it when enemy has half hp, by that time he will have no Removal to get off stuns and inmovilazers, and when u have ur recuperate up, so u have 10 sec of healing and waiting for next Kidney Shot CD to attack enemy again with full energy and 6 sec stun.


#Showtooltip Blind
/Castsequence reset=120 Blind, Cloak of Shadows, Vanish, Premeditation, Recuperate

If you dont have Recuperate up, you blind, take off damage, vanish, and pop up an instant recuperate of 2CP of 12 seconds, that means 20k heal.

Vanish from frost
#Showtooltip Preparation
/cast sequence reset=300 Preparation, Vanish, Sprint

You are loosing against a frost mage your, vanish is on cooldown time, and you need to escape fast, "Vanish from Frost" is your escape with fast legs. (frost mages dont deal overtime damage, fire do, thats why we dont use cloak of shadows)

#Showtooltip Preparation
/cast sequence reset=300 Preparation, Vanish, Cloak of Shadows, Sprint

This is usefull against any caster class that is not near you, dont use it against melee, they will brake your stealth. (i dont use this one cause you loose "Blind and Heal" macro).
Hello Backstab
#showtooltip Shadowstep
/Castsequence Shadowstep, Backstab

If you cant reach your target, like mages, you instantly backstab it appearing from behind.

Hello Kidney
#showtooltip Kidney Shot
/Castsequence reset=20 Shadowstep, Kidney Shot

If u cant reach your target, like mages, you instanly KS appearing from behind. (should be used when having 5CP)

Thats all i can offer for now, i hope you found them usefull as i do, please comment and show your own macros if u want.

:confused: PD: If you are not familiar with macros:
-Showtooltip: When you put your mouse above the macro shows information of the skill you put beside "Shadowtooltip".
-/castsequence: allows you to cast the chain of skills.
-reset=anytime: lets you see the cooldown time of the macro, regarding to the skill u put beside "Showtooltip". The number you put after "reset" word are seconds. (Ex: if your tooltip skill have a 3 min cooldown you will put 180 after reset, what means 180 seconds.

PD2: When you make your own macro, dont make a sequence of many skills, because if enemy brakes any of them or does something you dont spect him to do, macro will be a total failiure. Gigantic sequences are for ideal situations like hitting a dummy . So make them short and not spamable. :D

PD3: Im Grone , Greymane Rogue, 341 iLvL, 106k HP unbuffed, thats why my recuperate does 5k heals. (with talents)