1. Which WotLK server to choose?

    Sup guys, I need some advice.

    Used to play cata Frostwolf but then the actual cataclysm came along and wiped everything. After playing MoP for some time and finding it not fit to my tastes I'm looking foward to play the only expansion I've have yet to play: WotLK.

    I'm mainly a casual PvPer (bgs with guildies and arena capping), and was looking foward to trying PvE.

    I will be rolling an arms warrior and won't donate.

    Thanks for your advice.

  2. Both Deathwing and Ragnaros will do :)
    I think there is not really a difference at this moment.

  3. I'm not sure about server locations but as a European I have much better ping on Ragnaros. Deathwing results in up to 250~ MS which can be absolutely dreadful in PVP, especially as a warrior. Missing those crucial shield bashes because you have a delay crutch just feels awful.

  4. same question here, i don't know exactly wich server choose betwenn this two ones

    i have a better feeling for ragnaros i don't know why, but after read your post misspoop ragnaros seem to be a good choice

    we haven't too much informations abouts servers, just how many players are logged in better than nothing ofc but it will be a good thing if peoples can have a post where read more informations about servers, i found server rates (for idk what exactly if its just for exp or some other things) in another post because op asked the information otherwise he can't have it like us it seem ^^

  5. Realms are hosted at the same place with the exception of Blackrock afaik.
    Deathwing would be the best option in PvP and PvE aswell, better and more guilds, better community overall in terms of knowledge (not talking about randoms and pugs but some of the highest level players, comparing to Ragnaros ones), altho I might be biased.

  6. May 3, 2015  
    Ping shouldn't be a problem, the pop balance tho...

  7. May 4, 2015  
    interesting, so maybe pop on deathwing is better in overall

    after this little week on ragnaros i can give a feedback from my own experience (maybe someone else will have a different opinion after more time too, like me maybe too later...) :

    what i've seen is ragnaros is ok for me in performance side no problems of lags or whatever, just some bugs....from private statut so i deal with it, about population it's a bit crazy in comparaison of what i see usually on my other privates in general (they are not wotlk privates , pretty more older versions of the game) ppls generally don't talk in dungeons well it's same on retail since almost end of wotlk so.... , the more curious thing is ppls have some difficulty to help others it seem, when you ask an info in /say generally ppls act like statues or not living objects like they prétends they aren't here or they don't see what happens around them , but they continu to walk, pass etc do their little "ingame life" it's surprising in comparaison of numbers of players around you ^^ but after like...1min 2or3 cool ppls will answer you just it seem often we have to be anormally patient maybe they think 40sec like "well i answer him or not ? i have the info but i have 2sec to share it ? i have enough time ?" Oo

    ho don't forgot "ninjas" ! ...this is incredible honestly never i have seen this behavior so much widespread ....it's normal in head of ppls when you are in a dungeon 5man, they generally roll "need" on any blue (rare) BoE items and they haven't any shame for say "its for sold on AH!" ....while [a member of the group] need it for improve his gear ...and after the player ask for the item and the other player answer its for sell...they dont give the item to the other player no no they keep it, even on retail never ppls said "well its normal we roll need on any blue (rare) BoE cuz its for sell" while a member of the group need it, without this member (or another one it's same) never you will get this item while you are alone in the dungeon....i repeat osbolutely never i've seen this as a "ok" behavior , on retail during multiple extensions or on privates, always ppls dislike other ppls who take the items of another ppls like this rareBoE or BoP it's same it's just pur ninja'ing, i dont know for deathwing but on ragnaros it's "no problem" ...who to make ppls bored of the population on the server where they play ? srsly ;)

    i can talk about level experience of the population, seem pretty "low" in general but i compare with older version of the game (who are more "hard gaming" in overall) and with some very good level servers, and with retail (before blizzard eat almost the brain of their players by lowering excessively the overall level requirment to play classes etc etc etc) so i can be a bit hard on this subject, there is good players too so ....but there is..like this 80 dk who learn who to backpedal and don't stopping dps when we say to him, ok everybody was noob before no offense but this is a part of the level on the server too , a pretty great part it seem ^^

    i'll don't talk about guilds, or "social" things near of guilds etc, i don't look for a guild actually maybe later for some more serious icc's than pug's where i'll can help some cool ppls to play with ^^

    i almost forgot bg's ! well alliance seem win 80% of bg's , i feel alliance are alot more on the server than horde, it seem there isnt too much items on AH for example for a 3k players server all factions together..i have like 3x more items on a 1k player server for example so i guess the ratio of population alliance/horde is like 70% / 30% maybe more and maybe a lot more too i dont think 90/10 is possible but maybe like near 85/15 in worst case it's really weird ...ho about bg's it's cool on 40players maps generally half of horde team just don't play at all, they run around on mount discovering the zone maybe , while wiating for the end, ofc half of a team vs an entire alliance team (i don't mention about geared donators etc xd) we lose abviously and even when ppls want play in 40players bg's it seem they just don't know how to play the bg i dont kow exactly what is their problem, maybe they come from tetris i dont know but it's really problematic for the rest of the team :/ i understand why there is too much alliance players in this conditions, instead of play for their faction etc ppls prefer faction change gear up then maybe return in their original faction but it's more problematic finally for the rest of the server / other faction ^^

    it was a feedback of a player after 1week experience on ragnaros, i'm a bit mitigate but it's cool too its wotlk a "cool" extension who has his charm too and the aspect "more easier" make ppls feel more cool/less competitive if i can say in their appreciation of the game in himself (for example rdf is a cool tool, he don't ask to whisp ppls and make announce in world chat for finding members for every time you want dungeon), molten are good servers (very good in performance side, scripts are pretty ok it's privates so we can let some flexibility about this..), just for my part players on ragnaros are far away.. not always cool ....^^
    Edited: May 4, 2015

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