1. What happened with Crysis?

    Hey, I've been wondering if someone remembers the PvE guild Crysis, to the top ranks like Mely,Starseeker,Herpez,Heartvader,Mofu....etc...wh at happened with that guild? are any of the players still playing on molten? Im just curious, since i was once in that guild (before like 4 years) and was the best time I had on WoW :)

  2. A lot of people got bored with WoW after we killed Lich King, so most of them either quit or moved to a different game. There are still some of the former members that are playing here, but the guild died late 2011.

    What was your in game name back then?

  3. A lot of people got bored with WoW after we killed Lich King, so most of them either quit or moved to a different game. There are still some of the former members that are playing here, but the guild died late 2011.

    What was your in game name back then?
    not sure that you remember me, my name was Dondir back then, a Nelf male hunter MM,had also DK Plex(or maybe the name was Prediction) and warlock Lendrox.... but I think i Remember you, priest and dk right? :) Redhot & Chillipepper if I remember right xD I deleted my characters long before the release of Lick King, the last boss scripted back then was Deathbringer I think :)
    Edited: June 12, 2015

  4. July 4, 2015  
    not sure that you remember me, my name was Dondir back then, a Nelf male hunter MM,had also DK Plex(or maybe the name was Prediction) and warlock Lendrox.... but I think i Remember you, priest and dk right? :) Redhot & Chillipepper if I remember right xD I deleted my characters long before the release of Lick King, the last boss scripted back then was Deathbringer I think :)
    Yeah i think i remember you.. And you got it right Redhot and Chilipepper were my characters back then :) Would be nice if some old players from Crysis would like to team up and start playing again once Lordaeron is open.

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