1. July 9, 2015  

    You know what was a sweet event..

    When they had the Christmas Event with the snowmen out in Wintergrasp. They dropped Emblems of Triumph and Frost, best event ever..

  2. When they had the Christmas Event with the snowmen out in Wintergrasp. They dropped Emblems of Triumph and Frost, best event ever..
    Yeah it was a pretty good event, easy but rewarding. Probably worth sticking a topic in the suggestion sub forum.

  3. They've had that event for 2 years in a row now, I wouldn't be surprised if it came this year too.

  4. Another event I recall was really fun was the stair parkour challenge. I think it's been 2 years in a row (?).

  5. The snowmen event year before last was awesome.. this past year it wasnt half as fun as the snowmen hit like a boss and was much more rare to find. I remember i had to bring my 6kgs main with my alt just to kill one of them. If you was in a group it wasnt so bad, just spent tons of time flying around hunting.... events should be fun but this past snowman event was very lacking.

  6. Disagree with this. It was good if you could tank them yourself. It was unfair for clothies.

  7. idk to me the snowman's castle event 2 years ago was best one ever, killing the trash, too many mobs = wipe, the stairs.... And loot afterwards was also rewarding :)

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