1. [OS X] WoW Client: Unable to connect

    Hello everyone:

    I bought a Macbook Pro and downloded the WoW 3.3.5a version for Mac OS X. I stored it on a USB 3.0 HDD because this laptop doesn't have much free space. The problem is when I try to run the game, in the login screen, when I log in, instantly appears a message saying "Unable to connect" or "Log in servers down".

    Did you have this type of error before? If you did, how did you solve it?

    Thank you very much,


    PS: I live in Edinburgh and I use Virgin Media company.
    PS1: I tried to log in in another servers to check if the error is mine or from the server and I got the same result. "Unable to connect".

  2. Have you checked your Realmlist.wtf points to the correct address and can you confirm that your firewall isn't blocking the program from connecting to the internet.
    I decided to provide a bit more detail in case you were unsure of how to do it. Within your WOW/data/EnUS/ Directory there will be a file called realmlist.wtf open it up using a generic text editor (i use Notepad++ (im unsure if thats available on OSX) and confirm the contents are 'set realmlist logon.warmane.com' (no quotation marks.)
    Edited: July 18, 2015

  3. Have you checked your Realmlist.wtf points to the correct address and can you confirm that your firewall isn't blocking the program from connecting to the internet.
    I decided to provide a bit more detail in case you were unsure of how to do it. Within your WOW/data/EnUS/ Directory there will be a file called realmlist.wtf open it up using a generic text editor (i use Notepad++ (im unsure if thats available on OSX) and confirm the contents are 'set realmlist logon.warmane.com' (no quotation marks.)

    Thank you for your answer. The realmlist is OK, and I tried changing the realmlist to other servers' ones, but it does not work. If I copy the WoW folder to the Applications folder on my laptop's HDD the game works well. I made the firewall accept connections for WoW Client (in the external HDD) but does not work.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you :)

  4. Interesting.
    my understand has always been that moving the wow client to a different directory affected nothing - except transfer speeds to the motherboard, but as you are connecting through USB 3.0 i don't forsee too much issue. Is there any variation to the structure of the drive (other than one being logical and on being primary. I am no Mac expert but I'll help to the best of my abilities. Its possible that an alternate format of HDD causes confusion or a security feature is preventing an external USB device to gain access to the internet. I would recommend checking your anitvirus and any other security software you have available.
    Also Is there a way to run wow with boosted permissions, similar to Windows' Run as Administrator' feature - maybe that will allow some functionality
    Otherwise i think it must be a setting within OSX as I run my WOW of a separate drive with no issues whatsoever.

  5. Do you happen to have a PowerPC Mac? I have read you can’t connect using one

  6. Interesting.
    my understand has always been that moving the wow client to a different directory affected nothing - except transfer speeds to the motherboard, but as you are connecting through USB 3.0 i don't forsee too much issue. Is there any variation to the structure of the drive (other than one being logical and on being primary. I am no Mac expert but I'll help to the best of my abilities. Its possible that an alternate format of HDD causes confusion or a security feature is preventing an external USB device to gain access to the internet. I would recommend checking your anitvirus and any other security software you have available.
    Also Is there a way to run wow with boosted permissions, similar to Windows' Run as Administrator' feature - maybe that will allow some functionality
    Otherwise i think it must be a setting within OSX as I run my WOW of a separate drive with no issues whatsoever.

    I tried disabling the Firewall and nothing happened. The game's folder and all it's items have read&write&execute permissions and running the game with superuser permissions does nothing. The most strange thing is that I have in the same folder the game Guild Wars 2 and it works perfectly. I don't understand... xD

    Do you happen to have a PowerPC Mac? I have read you can’t connect using one
    My Macbook Pro is the new one from 2015. It's a Intel i5. :S

    Thanks for you replies.

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