1. Hunter Mage Warlock ?

    Could someone please tell me how these 3 classes perform in terms of dps in PVE? Im interested at icc gear progression level and maybe ulduar gear progression level? Cant decide for the world what to roll when lordaeron comes :).

    I have checked how the rankings were on retail (at least icc level couldnt find any information about lower gear levels sadly) but ive also played on warmane on cataclysm and mop and i know sometimes because of bugs things dont really match retail history.

    So please if someone who is/has raided on the other wotlk realms here could offer me some information about their dps comparison regarding would be very much apreciated.

    PS: yes i know skill>class and each class has its own utility but im interested in the dps numbers comparison if possible:)

    Thank you

  2. Warlocks are few and they have lots of utility but they are somewhat gear dependent,they are mainly brought to the raid for their buffs and dots/debuffs;you will get invited into raids/guilds instantly from my experience with my last warlock.

    Both mages and hunters can do decent amount of damage with mixed gear and they are the least gear dependent classes in the game(dps wise);for exemple as a hunter if you are not arp capped you can roll agility no problem and still be a huge damage dealer,while a warlock needs huge ammounts of stats also he needs to keep a balance between them,to keep up with the big damage dealers out there, and i guess the same story goes to mage too but its easier to stack crit on a mage than trying to find a balance.
    quicknote:there are more to play a hunter than a mage,and warlocks are almost non-existent,please keep that in mind when you decide on what you want to roll,thank you.

  3. Thanks a lot for your input this was exactly the kind i was looking for :). My problem with rolling a lock is that even though they are few, from checking kill screenshots from guilds on other realms, usually one per raid is taken (vs 2-3 mages, 2-3 hunters), so quite fewer spots also.
    I guess its down to mage vs lock, as probably most guilds will already have a set core when realm is launched and if so many hunters will most likely be hard for me to find a proper raiding guild spot:)
    Will wait for some more input if possible to get a better picture, thank you again Promoted.

  4. There is no class that can out dps a fire mage with full bis gear (icc & rs) on a single target fight and on most of the bosses in general. Arcane mages are also very good and are not very stat dependent

  5. There is no class that can out dps a fire mage with full bis gear (icc & rs) on a single target fight and on most of the bosses in general. Arcane mages are also very good and are not very stat dependent
    Yeh considering its gonna be a progression realm I wouldn't go with whats best with ICC & rs HC gear, especially that at that point why bother raiding at all if ur full pve geared, except for fun I guess.

    but yea its progression realm, so don't go with whats best in icc gear when its gonna be quite a while until then.

  6. Yeh considering its gonna be a progression realm I wouldn't go with whats best with ICC & rs HC gear, especially that at that point why bother raiding at all if ur full pve geared, except for fun I guess.

    but yea its progression realm, so don't go with whats best in icc gear when its gonna be quite a while until then.
    This guy is right,don't pick your class based on what others will pick,because not everyone will get to end game,where icc and rs happens,

    sorry for misguiding you
    Spoiler: Show
    quicknote:there are more to play a hunter than a mage,and warlocks are almost non-existent,please keep that in mind when you decide on what you want to roll,thank you.

  7. on the other 3.3.5 progessiver server i played on mages will dominate in pve dps so far above other classes its not even funny... in nax gear in 25's mages will easily pull 6k+ dps. (arcane) not gear dependent at all... also that server i played on had buffed pve content... so increased health of bosses by like 40% etc to make fights longer... the shorter the fight the higher arcane mages will go....

    so at the start of this server by far mage>>>>>hunter>warlock for dmg
    at icc lvl mage>hunter>warlock

    in terms of utility however demo-warlock>>>>hunter=mage

    hopefully that helps

    only downside to mage is your dmg in 5 mans wont be great and farming is way worse then hunter or warlock...

  8. on the other 3.3.5 progessiver server i played on mages will dominate in pve dps so far above other classes its not even funny... in nax gear in 25's mages will easily pull 6k+ dps. (arcane)
    i dont know what kind of broken server that was but 6k dps is ulduar 10/25 level

    In 10 man arcane mage on a lothaeb fight will pull around 3k dps with a shadow priest topping the meters. In 25 man mage can pull about 4-4.5k

    EDIT: Bare in mind the figures I gave you are retail like. Arcane on 95% private servers is broken and does too much dmg.
    Edited: August 28, 2015

  9. because its a new 3.3.5 server and not 3.0.1 server the way sp is calculated and tallent changes makes arcane mages dominate with little gear... in a 25 man setting arcane mages require very little in terms of hit, crit, and haste making them extreamly powerful in short fights with lust/heroism + full buffs/consumes making it easy to hit 6k dps as arcane in full 213ilvl gear

  10. Thank you for all your input its been very helpfull :). I will roll a mage main once the server comes, never mained one actually so it will be a nice change:)
    Thanks again to all.

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