1. Ulduar and other servers

    So i heard Ulduar will be on this server (almost the only reason for me to switch) so im wondering when will we get to raid ulduar and will it be fixed on other servers.

  2. it will get ported over afaik but whats the point of doing ulduar when your running around in ICC Heroic gear lol

  3. Probably right before or with the release of ToGC on Lordaeron. The other two Wotlk servers will just be switched to the Lordaeron core, so they will be identical script wise

  4. well i still want to beat ulduar with my main on Rag

  5. still no challenge with full ICC gear.

  6. it's still a challenge, Ulduar requires a lot of raid awareness and mechanics. You can be fully geared and still wipe on many of the fights just because you don't know it, it is definitely going to be easier but the hard modes are not a walk in the park by any means.

    BTW YAMI, what boss was the hardest to test in ulduar? I was thinking probably yogg or mimiron hard modes
    Edited: September 8, 2015

  7. BTW YAMI, what boss was the hardest to test in ulduar? I was thinking probably yogg or mimiron hard modes
    Actually no, brute force bosses like Mimiron are quite easy to test (but require time). You see, Mimiron is just one by one boss with its abilities.
    The hardest imo was Flame Leviathan, 3 vehicles + abilities of players in them, 4 hard mode towers + their abilities, the boss himself and the turrets on it. It cant even be solo tested fully because you need a demolisher alive to get on the turrets

  8. is there any video where we can see how good is ulduar scripted? or other raids?

  9. is there any video where we can see how good is ulduar scripted? or other raids?
    Uh not really.... I mean they are testing the content themselves and won't share it till it's released (i hope).

  10. is there any video where we can see how good is ulduar scripted? or other raids?
    Hmm, we will probably upload a video featuring Ulduar before its actual release


    Its mostly done anyway, the issues remaining are either cosmetic or trash related

  11. Hmm, we will probably upload a video featuring Ulduar before its actual release


    Its mostly done anyway, the issues remaining are either cosmetic or trash related
    Wow exciting! Looking forward the video of Ulduar :) One of the raids i always wanted to do! :)

  12. still no challenge with full ICC gear.

    What do u mean? this is a progressive server... not every content will be open at first

  13. What do u mean? this is a progressive server... not every content will be open at first
    He replied to the guy who played on Ragnaros.

  14. What do u mean? this is a progressive server... not every content will be open at first
    Do you even read bro? He said when ulduar gets PORTED everyone doing it will be in full ICC gear.

  15. Perhaps I shouldn't be bringing this up in this thread but it kind of is related to ulduar mostly.

    I'm not really sure if I want to join this server yet before a few things are made clear about realm first kills. Ulduar achievements have always been special and ones that everyone wanted but couldn't obtain such as Death's Demise and the algalon one(yeh, too lazy to look it up ;p).

    So I would like to ask warmane if any monitoring is going to occur for guilds/raids that do actually get the realm first kills. As in, is there or will there be anything in place to ensure fair gaming and that kills are done legit? As you may recall, a lot of drama happened in the past with realm first kills. Accusations of exploiting used to be thrown all over the place and it was quite chaotic.

    If I am correct, the only way for a raid to be caught is if a GM is monitoring them live. If not, there won't be any other way unfortunately. Therefore, if kills are made and no videos are posted, no one would ever be able to tell or have proof if fair kills were made.

    How will warmane combat this? Will fair game-play be ensured?


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