1. U gotta be kidding me Warmane?

    Hello dear players of all classes and races. This topic is a about where is the logic of the Molten and AT when it comes to MOP realm called Frostwolf.

    We all know that months ago Arena Tournament and Molten united as one for most hardcore wow Experience,enough said.
    Firstly before they was about to merge there was Mists of Pandaria server on AT also (pve/pvp oriented),it was in beta still or something,it doesn't matter.The thing that really matters that Pvp aspect of the server wasn't so bad,but the bugs were being fixed almost every day...About Pve aspect of the server,they had old dungeons opened ... WTF ?! right ?!(atleast few of them)
    Vanilla -Temple of Qu=iraj (almost full)

    TBC -The Eye (full acces but with some bugs ofcourse)
    -Serpentshrine cavern (last boss unaccessable)
    -Black Temple (Ilidan and 3rd boss unaccessable)
    -Sunwell (1st boss bugged,rest works fine)
    -Grulls lair (full)
    -Hyal Mountain (full)
    - karazan (2 bosses unaccesable)
    WOTLK -(ICC semi acces to few bosses)
    -and few more
    Cata - 1 or 2 dungeons (not sure

    MOP- ToT few bosses (??)
    -SoO few bosses (??)
    -(not sure for the rest.

    So i don't understand it's clear that at the stage of Merging Arena Tournament have done alot more job on their Mop Server then Molten at their...so why they have choosen the one with more bugs and old content COMPLETELY closed.

    By uniting their flags mop Realm taht AT started could be atleast on 50% of progress,now it's barelly on 30%...

    Thank you for reading and sry for bad english...PYAH PYAH

    They could simple Move all characters to the ATs server,or just restore all coins points etc so we start on taht server instead,Moltdown happenned anyways.
    Edited: September 28, 2015

  2. Don't see the reason of this thread other then complain about how things are.... There's reasons for it... AT are usually about PVP community (Blackrock/Warsong) and not the PVE side of things but they provide what they know about PVE as well as far as i'm aware :)

  3. Don't see the reason of this thread other then complain about how things are.... There's reasons for it... AT are usually about PVP community (Blackrock/Warsong) and not the PVE side of things but they provide what they know about PVE as well as far as i'm aware :)
    Don't play smartass to me,it's not gona work Molten fanboy,please...I Clearly wroted,that AT had even Old content avaible,look how many raids and dungeons were opened and scripted on AT before Moltdown...

    They should just copy paste or something,or close the Molten server after Moltdown and open the AT's one when they united.By that they would save alot of time and work,aswell give us something to do in the rest of the time when we are laging.
    Edited: September 28, 2015

  4. Don't play smartass to me,it's not gona work Molten fanboy,please...I Clearly wroted,that AT had even Old content avaible,look how many raids and dungeons were opened and scipted before Moltdown...
    I'm not a fan boy at all... I'm saying what everyone else would say.... The moltdown (they lose all their script and core) so they had to rescript everything with a ''new'' core or at least how i know it... So scripts that existed back then might not exist now that's what i wanna say... This is common knowledge that's why you might view me as a smartass.

  5. I'm not a fan boy at all... I'm saying what everyone else would say.... The moltdown (they lose all their script and core) so they had to rescript everything with a ''new'' core or at least how i know it... So scripts that existed back then might not exist now that's what i wanna say... This is common knowledge that's why you might view me as a smartass.
    And they united with Arena tournament private server,why they started from a scratch when they could use the server that was 2x more scripted then the server Molten had before Moltdown. Wheres the logic?

    P.S.I didn't said you are smartass,i said don't paly smartass..two different things.

  6. A dungeon being open does not mean it is working. We could indeed just open dungeons at the state they are, however they will bring unnecessary problems such as exploiting and realm crashes, that plus the dungeon would mostly be tank'n'spank.
    As Lordaeron and the porting system progresses, dungeons will be ported over and tested to ensure these potential issues do not occur.

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