1. Restoration on realm.

    Anybody knows when restoration on the realm will be available? My 44th lvl character was accidentally deleted and now i can't restore it.

  2. How you can accidentally delete your character?

  3. How you can accidentally delete your character?
    You're telling me you've never clicked delete then accidental typed delete. Impossible

  4. How you can accidentally delete your character?
    1. Be drunk as fuk
    2. Go to the toilet
    3. Come back to your room
    4. Stumble over some empty bottles
    5. Fall towards your computer
    6. Hit Delete with your nose
    7. Do a backflip
    8. While struggling immense pain accidently write "DELETE" with your feet which are still on your desk

  5. 1. Be drunk as fuk
    2. Go to the toilet
    3. Come back to your room
    4. Stumble over some empty bottles
    5. Fall towards your computer
    6. Hit Delete with your nose
    7. Do a backflip
    8. While struggling immense pain accidently write "DELETE" with your feet which are still on your desk
    They did the math.

  6. Anybody knows when restoration on the realm will be available? My 44th lvl character was accidentally deleted and now i can't restore it.
    Yeah really... I'm with the others in this thread. How is this even possible to do?
    Maybe what you mean is you deliberately deleted the character and now you've changed your mind and want it back.

  7. Regardless if he deleted it on purpose, got his account hacked or whatever , the question still stands : will character restoration be available ?

  8. Unless they can prove that they indeed didnt delete the character themselves,I see no reason to have this feature.There is no way in hell you can delete your character by accident.

  9. Oh guys. What the hell? Why all of you are interested in how i deleted my character? Have you never played drunked? 5 times I had tryed to kill pala, mage and rogue 1x3 and then deleted my character because couldnt kill even 3 noobs in solo.

  10. Your account is YOUR responsibility. If you indeed delete it out of anger/being drunk or whatever take the opportunity to learn from this and start over. It applies in real life and online should be no different.

  11. There is the My Account > Security > Make Backup feature, but I can't find where you can actually use your backup. You should maybe ask in the GM or Forum moderators support forum (under Support & Q/A), not really sure who actually manages the characters though.

  12. even if character restoration was available, you'd have to be level 75+ to use it. so you still wouldn't get your pala back.

  13. Are you fan of palas if it seems for you that all play paladins?

  14. Oh guys. What the hell? Why all of you are interested in how i deleted my character? Have you never played drunked? 5 times I had tryed to kill pala, mage and rogue 1x3 and then deleted my character because couldnt kill even 3 noobs in solo.
    its your own fault no restoration should be granted in such cases

  15. You can accidentally delete your character...

    I did it the other day, I was clearing up my account of names between that and my alt, my shaman accidentally was deleted instead of another.

    People still don't believe me when I tell them lol.

    Well now I gotta relevel, and I wasted days of my life.

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