1. Ilyanah's Farewell

    Warmane thank you for this wonderful server that I have played in for 5 years, I will forever treasure this experience with you guys in my heart.
    I made a lot of friends, and made me better as a person. I lead my friends to victory during the time of Bloodlust, and I also learned to lead my own team as a Team Leader IRL.

    I am sorry to all the people I offended, I just wish I could say sorry to all of you. I just really wanted to have fun, not to make enemies.

    So this is my final farewell, I hope Warmane acknowledge me as one of the great youtubers to ever play here, on Sargeras and Frostwolf. I hope all of you will always remember me, cuz I will always remember all of you. World of Warcraft will always be the greatest game I ever played and I grew up with, and Warmane will always be the best private server out there without a doubt.

    Thank you all. For everything.
    /tar all

    - Ilyanah

    Here is something before I go. I made this video long ago. And I made it with all my heart.

  2. I am sorry to all the people I offended, I just wish I could say sorry to all of you. I just really wanted to have fun, not to make enemies.
    Dont tell me ur quitting becauz of the haterz

    Both faction hates me yet im still playing u should do like me lol

    Dont be sorry,most of these players are trashes but act like the're good people haha

    But anyway good luck with ur life and feel free to comeback when u feel like it
    Edited: October 26, 2015

  3. Good luck with everything and was fun watching you rustle so many jummies here going to be missed by some that's for sure :D

  4. Dont tell me ur quitting becauz of the haterz

    Both faction hates me yet im still playing u should do like me lol
    I made so much enemies in WoW when I defended all my friends, now my friends that I defended all left wow, or joined my enemies and went against me. I cannot take this pain anymore. I know WoW is just a game but it became something else for me, I made a lot of unwanted enemies. I get bombarded by hate everyday. And it pains me to even play the game. I feel all alone, I no longer enjoy it.

    So all of you, should never do the mistake I did. Just enjoy the game, never defend or offend anyone. And you will have fun.

    Farewell to all.. XD
    Edited: October 26, 2015

  5. give me your gold pl0x and I'll still defend you

  6. Now go! Leave this place and never return.

    arrogant boy

  7. I made so much enemies in WoW when I defended all my friends, now my friends that I defended all left wow, or joined my enemies and went against me. I cannot take this pain anymore. I know WoW is just a game but it became something else for me, I made a lot of unwanted enemies. I get bombarded by hate everyday. And it pains me to even play the game. I feel all alone, I no longer enjoy it.

    So all of you, should never do the mistake I did. Just enjoy the game, never defend or offend anyone. And you will have fun.

    Farewell to all.. XD
    Just make new friends rustle more jimmies kill more and more allies For The MOFO HORDE ;)

  8. What the hell are you talking about?! You cant leave the server Ilyanah. You can't give up so easily.
    You dont have enemies nor do you have friends. It's just a stupid online videogame!
    Without you the realm is pretty much dead especially for allies...

  9. Wait ilyanah im transfering horde we will rustle some jimmies together haha lol btw in order to bear the pain one must become a troll

    Araan i can join ur guild ?

  10. Nah guys, I'm serious and It's really time for me to leave. My time as a leader is way behind me, and I cannot be a leader again, the fire in me that I once had long ago is now gone. And I am also not skillful as I used to be, maybe i'm growing old and it's time for me to stop playing and focus on my job.

    Don't worry guys, Leaders come and go, i'm sure there will be another Horde leader that will rise up like I did and to lead Horde to victory.

  11. Nah guys, I'm serious and It's really time for me to leave. My time as a leader is way behind me, and I cannot be a leader again, the fire in me that I once had long ago is now gone. And I am also not skillful as I used to be, maybe i'm growing old and it's time for me to stop playing and focus on my job.

    Don't worry guys, Leaders come and go, i'm sure there will be another Horde leader that will rise up like I did and to lead Horde to victory.
    It's just the ****ty xpac you/we play. #BlameBlizzard
    Talking about skill, dks are in a ****ty state, and hunters/warriors dominates everything just like in retail
    I miss cata pre-moltdown, the hell wtih that guy that tried to screw us

  12. I did not expect something like this from you.

    - The undead warlock that keeps running into you.

  13. goodbye the great leader of horde! lolz

  14. Warmane thank you for this wonderful server that I have played in for 5 years, I will forever treasure this experience with you guys in my heart.
    I made a lot of friends, and made me better as a person. I lead my friends to victory during the time of Bloodlust, and I also learned to lead my own team as a Team Leader IRL.

    I am sorry to all the people I offended, I just wish I could say sorry to all of you. I just really wanted to have fun, not to make enemies.

    So this is my final farewell, I hope Warmane acknowledge me as one of the great youtubers to ever play here, on Sargeras and Frostwolf. I hope all of you will always remember me, cuz I will always remember all of you. World of Warcraft will always be the greatest game I ever played and I grew up with, and Warmane will always be the best private server out there without a doubt.

    Thank you all. For everything.
    /tar all

    - Ilyanah

    Here is something before I go. I made this video long ago. And I made it with all my heart.

    Cmon illyanah..you are not a quitter....dont do this...you and me...we had a hard time.....but atill i respect you as the first time i met you on cata sargeras. If they hate you...that means that you mean for somethint...lets destroy some asses....

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