1. Demo lock

    Demo lock works on this server or is still bugged?
    Edited: November 30, 2015

  2. Strong words. Its bugged that much that its pointelss even to spec into..
    They never cared to fix demo on cata and mop, somehow it always worked the best on wotlk here cause mechanics arent that hard.

  3. Compared to other 2 specs it is pointless.

  4. Demo lock works on this server or is still bugged?
    Don't listen to op who don't know what to do with a demo lock, a friend of mine pretty much melts everyone in bg. It's true, it has still some bugs to be solved, but it doesn't mean it's not viable.

  5. Don't listen to op who don't know what to do with a demo lock, a friend of mine pretty much melts everyone in bg. It's true, it has still some bugs to be solved, but it doesn't mean it's not viable.
    its not viable when a spec that go around making damage in demonform and empowering your demon , has bugs like this :

    - you pet crits for 3k ( that goes for all warlock so its even worse for demo ) , dont scale with mastery or spell power , imps included

    - you hand of guldan dot can be removed by a pvp trinket ( lol )

    - youre aoe cant be casted while moving ( lol )

    - one the biggest dot in the game does really poor dmg

    - you cant use gateways in demon form ( lol )

    - you cant portal in demon form ( lol )

    oh and if you happen to switch a lot to an offspec your imp swarm glyph just stops working , they sit there do nothing.

    it is better now since several months ago they fix the dmg somewhat , seemed it was being affected by armor , still its not at 100%

    sure your friend melts everything , i guess if he went afflic he would melt 30x more
    Edited: December 2, 2015

  6. Rly wat is bugged with DemonLock?

  7. thats what i mean. no one knows how to play it here and suck with it. tipical warmane players /cheer

  8. Rly wat is bugged with DemonLock?
    It's literally in the post above yours.
    And that's just some of the issues.

    In terms of pve, it is completely unviable.

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