1. Honor rates

    What is wrong with the honor rates on Lordaeron?
    I'm getting 1-5 honor for killing someone in world pvp.
    Guys, srsly, you disable RDF (no badges), ICC is not working but resilence and spells are working like it's 3.3.5 (unbalance) and now this? Honor rates is x0.05 or smth like this. And you still dont want transmog because its NOT BLIZZLIKE. This server is already not even close to look like blizzard retail.
    So what is wrong now with world pvp honor rates and when it will be fixed?
    Edited: December 27, 2015

  2. lol @ ICC is not working...

    I don't even remember getting some big honors in world pvp...just get to 80 and farm it in rbgs and wintergrasp and you'll be fine...in TBC you had to farm one piece of blue gear for ****ing days...what's wrong with all this wotlk kids,just stop...focus on finding bugs and helping server to grow bigger and better,not just whining for irrelevat things...even if there is bug with rates,read forum because there are already topics about it or write on bugtracker...

  3. What's wrong with Wotlk kids? I'll tell you what: this is wotlk server, with wotlk resilence, with wotlk talents, spells, quests, items, dungeons etc. So why it should be like TBC?
    Btw I'm playing wow since 2007.
    Edited: December 28, 2015

  4. We are trying to keep the same theme with a slight touch towards the design of the realm as we see fit and ,unfortunately, transmog is not welcome at least for now. Honor rates will be adjusted as they should be if they aren't already.

  5. What is wrong with the honor rates on Lordaeron?
    I'm getting 1-5 honor for killing someone in world pvp.
    Guys, srsly, you disable RDF (no badges), ICC is not working but resilence and spells are working like it's 3.3.5 (unbalance) and now this? Honor rates is x0.05 or smth like this. And you still dont want transmog because its NOT BLIZZLIKE. This server is already not even close to look like blizzard retail.
    So what is wrong now with world pvp honor rates and when it will be fixed?
    If you want to play Retail go Retail. We don't like Retail we like Warmane. We made a better Realm than Blizzard and it continues to get better. Don't kill people because you want to get Honor. Kill them because you like to kill them. Learn to Play. Play... Learn what that word means and play the game. Spend 20 hours a day killing 100 people and get 100 Honor. You will get your stupid gear in 1 year. Everyone has the same rates as you. It's cool dude. Get over it.

  6. If you want to play Retail go Retail. We don't like Retail we like Warmane. We made a better Realm than Blizzard and it continues to get better. Don't kill people because you want to get Honor. Kill them because you like to kill them. Learn to Play. Play... Learn what that word means and play the game. Spend 20 hours a day killing 100 people and get 100 Honor. You will get your stupid gear in 1 year. Everyone has the same rates as you. It's cool dude. Get over it.
    Better Realm than Blizzard :D I am not saying it isn't very good but your comment is so overrated.

  7. Retail has been always been worst every expansion they make. When Transmog was released I think it was... You could be "BiS" and look nude or with low level gear and all females were almost nude. I play only PvP. Retail realms have like 1K-3K people online. You have to pay monthly to a company that doesn't give a ****.

  8. resilence and spells are working like it's 3.3.5 (unbalance) and now this?
    can someone elaborate on this?

  9. Retail has been always been worst every expansion they make. When Transmog was released I think it was... You could be "BiS" and look nude or with low level gear and all females were almost nude. I play only PvP. Retail realms have like 1K-3K people online. You have to pay monthly to a company that doesn't give a ****.
    I agree with you that the expansions (IMO after cata) ruined the real game experience. I bought the last expansion a few weeks ago, got the 90 level boost and tried the new content - so much boring storyline and content so I returned to Warmane after a day. I think that this server is more enjoyable than playing on retail at the current moment but 1-3k people online is much better than 10k with world PvP and waiting for a mob to spawn ~20 mins with 10 other players and hoping you will get the drop and then got ganked by an opposite faction 80. Blizzard is far from not giving a ****. The support is really good, for example when you can't recover your account, you are almost instantly contacted by a support agent by the phone. Everything is working fine, bugs are fixed within days/weeks. There is no chance of loosing your account because some ****ty admin decided he should delete the whole logon base (seems familliar?). The local backup here is not a 100% solution. So yes, it is worth paying the monthly fee, at least it was during WOTLK.
    Edited: December 28, 2015

  10. We made a better Realm than Blizzard and it continues to get better. Spend 20 hours a day killing 100 people and get 100 Honor.
    You've made my day, keep it up.
    Edited: December 28, 2015

  11. The English, is strong in this thread.

  12. We are trying to keep the same theme with a slight touch towards the design of the realm as we see fit and ,unfortunately, transmog is not welcome at least for now. Honor rates will be adjusted as they should be if they aren't already.
    Bull**** @ honor part.

    All you're doing is making people not wanna queue up for bgs or pvp and instead not do anything besides leveling up/running dungeons. The current honor rates make NO SENSE at slightest and anyone who came up with this idea is troubled or something.

    There is absolutely no way to get even low-level pvp gear from wsg/ab vendors cause you barely see enough people in the world to get honor points by killing them. 10-19/20-29 bgs are rare and in 90% cases horde players get 1-10 honor points per 20-30 minute wsg, cause they're so dominated by alliance and their twinks that continuously queue up. Unless we're winning, then we'll get like 20-30, wow! I don't know if you guys are blind and not looking at the numbers and the problems with balance, but this realm is still pretty young but you're already managing to **** it up big time regarding low level pvp.

    "will be adjusted as they should be if they aren't already"..

    "if they aren't already"

    The only appropriate reaction:

    thanks for reading

  13. The honor rates are very extremely sad at low levels. Buying early PvP weapons is impossible. :)

  14. This is pve server just because they want.

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