1. Block and combo points

    Whenever a mob, a paladin or a warrior blocks an attack or a combo point generation ability(as a druid) the attack or the ability do 0 dmg as opposed to block value being substracted from the initial dmg value and no combo points are added. Meaning that blocked attacks are being treated as dodged or parried. I have reported this bug at the bugtracker and this thread is only made to raise awarness about this issue. I dont know why none has reported this yet or why no attention has been given to the matter, but pvping against a warrior who has half a brain isnt posssible as druid. (hell he can even just stay with a shiedl and revenge me to death)....

  2. In additional that, bugged Primal Fury talent makes pvp more entertaining.

  3. On top of all that add the my favorite thing "Target out of range" when you're practically up his ***, trying to Shred / Mangle. It's fun to play Arena / BGs as Feral, it really is Hardcore xD

  4. The Primal Fury takent bug hits relly hard. Sometimes, when you crit with Mangle i.e., you dont get an extra combo point =(

  5. On top of all that add the my favorite thing "Target out of range" when you're practically up his ***, trying to Shred / Mangle. It's fun to play Arena / BGs as Feral, it really is Hardcore xD
    I can only agree with you. +1000

  6. The block thingy though its worse than everything really.. in arena when there is a hpala arms war team, you can never beat them with feral just because warrior shield blocks and you cant even get combo points to have instant cyclone...
    no attention has been given at all to my report.. And its a major bug

  7. I think the biggest problems for Feral in Pvp are 1. Delay 2. Primal Fury. Today in countless arenas I was on top of the players, spamming Shred and all I was getting is "Target not in Range", until I used Maim to stun then, then it starts working. It's dumb how long it takes to get a Hunter or a Mage or someone who can simply kite you, never in Range, with Charge, Dash , Talent + Set speed and over 9000 power shifts + our slow.

    I'm not sure what causes it, but it's currently the biggest game breaking bug when it comes to Ferals. Not sure if other classes experience it as much, but we're at the top of that chain. Sure, at this point it doesn't matter as much, it's still early in game, and it's just a dumb 2v2 without any real purpose. However, I hope they manage to discover the problem behind it, getting into S7 and S8 with more active 3v3 as Feral will be unplayable.

    So yeah, calling all brothers and sisters Ferals to keep their eyes and minds open when encountering that problem in Arena. We need that fixed as soon as possible, and Primal Fury on top of that will help a lot both in Pvp and Pve.

    This is just my speculation, but it might have something to do with Feral Swiftness (Talent) + 4 Set Pvp Gear movement speed increase. Maybe Anti-Cheat is not reading it properly... Who knows, we'll see what the future brings.

    P.s. Greedman456 - Don't go on Warrior... Stick with Paladin, they'll eventually ran out of mana or you'll be able to pop Bubble then kill. Then again, against that team, you simply can not win every time. But yeah, at 1450+ rate, I've managed to beat 5 out of 6 those teams with a Resto Shaman on my side. CC Warrior and kill the Paladin. If they're mostly Pvp (have less then 15-16k mana) then you have to wait it out until they lose the mana, if they have 20k+ Mana usually means they're very low on resilience, so you have to pop bubble, then Berserk and kill. At least that's how it was for me today.

  8. On top of all that add the my favorite thing "Target out of range" when you're practically up his ***, trying to Shred / Mangle. It's fun to play Arena / BGs as Feral, it really is Hardcore xD
    Thats is one of the most annoying but seems like they refuse to comment on this. Primal fury, top # 1 major bugg, that needs to be fixed asap, not something else (talking bout druid buggs). It is a freaking 4months old bug (https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/9043 - vote it up!). I understand that devs aint playing feral at all but it is like taking away freeze from mages or so. Without this we're struggling with dmg.

    With, out of range and primal fury bugs, it is completly pointless to play feral in pve and pvp atm. I could get 10 crits in a row to be awarded with just 1 point per each crit ,which is bullshiop. Rake or any other ability aint giving cps at all.

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