1. Congratulations Warmane developers and staff

    For making a server that can reach a 4 days uptime.
    I started playing on ........... like 9 years ago, and I've been on and off in WoW private servers ever since, but I don't remember a server who can has a 4 days uptime.

  2. 4 days uptime is average, 10k players + queue is really impressive!

  3. I want to give my regards to Warmane too about these accomplishments

  4. Woot, bump +1 loving it! Great job Warmane!

  5. 4 days uptime is average, 10k players + queue is really impressive!
    Boxers + ppl logging several alt accs etc + several ppl afking in char list

    If there were a rule that allows only 1 acc per IP and if ppl respected it, server would cap ~ 5k or maybe (a big maybe) 6k

  6. Boxers + ppl logging several alt accs etc + several ppl afking in char list

    If there were a rule that allows only 1 acc per IP and if ppl respected it, server would cap ~ 5k or maybe (a big maybe) 6k
    You can clearly see in the cities and leveling zones that the population are bigger. Compared to other private servers people are a lot more spread out across the world because of leveling, instances at a way diffrent level range.

  7. If you forbid boxing you would have like hundret players less. Cmon, there aren't many boxers here.

    If there were a rule that allows only 1 acc per IP
    Read this a cupple of times now. Are you people even thinking before posting? What about your GF/Bf, sister/brother, flatmate, any friends visiting you, etc.? Why do yoh think it's not okay if I play WoW at the same time as my Wife does? 1 Acc per IP is a very bad idea and it's very obvious why there is no such rule.

  8. If you forbid boxing you would have like hundret players less. Cmon, there aren't many boxers here.

    Read this a cupple of times now. Are you people even thinking before posting? What about your GF/Bf, sister/brother, flatmate, any friends visiting you, etc.? Why do yoh think it's not okay if I play WoW at the same time as my Wife does? 1 Acc per IP is a very bad idea and it's very obvious why there is no such rule.

    I said "If". Im not asking for it, nor suggesting it. Im just trying to explain that there are tons of ppl abusing afk char list and other logging several accounts. Thats why its 10k + q, or do u think that there are literally 10k people sitting and playing??

    To be honest I dont even know why should I bother anwsering *****s lacking reading compreehension

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