1. Stuck at level 81

    Noob draenei paladin here. I've never played cata before. At least not past level 80.

    I'm currently at level 81, at mount hyjal. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be any quests available there. The only ones I found are Honor the flame (Hyjal) and "This can only mean one thing". None of them seems to mark me in the map where I should go after accepting them. I tried googling for the honor the flame one, and wowhead says the quest end point is next to the guy where you pick it up, but when I'm in game, there is no question marks anywhere nearby and there doesn't seem to be anything related that I can interact with mearby.

    I also tried questing in Vashj 'ir, but it seems there is too much water and I'd like to avoid it as much as I can since swimming in water is a huge pain. It's terribly slow. So I'm pretty much stuck. Any help?

  2. You need to take satring quest from board in sw.

  3. Did you start the full quest chain from the Command Board in Stormwind? It should lead you up to the courtyard in the castle to use a portal to Moonglade and then a flight quest into Nordasrill.

    Cata content is very quest chain heavy. You so much as miss one quest that screws up the entire zone.

  4. you need to complete a quest chain to unlock qusting on Mount Hyjal.
    This is the first quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27726/h...ll-mount-hyjal

  5. Hmmm, nope, I didn't try any board quest. But I will try it tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out.

  6. Hmmm, nope, I didn't try any board quest. But I will try it tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out.
    When you take the Command quest for Hyjal, you cannot turn it in within Stormwind, nor use portal. You literally have to travel to Moonglade, to find that same npc and turn in quest, doing so you should be able to start Hyjal, well, some of it that is working.

  7. Yah, I did it. I made the Hero's call quest and now I'm questing there. When you reach Moonglade, it says you have to ride a dragon to Hyjal. But the dragons are bugged and I "accidentally" killed one, making every NPC around it hostile. You just have to go by yourself to Hyjal and speak to the guy to start the quest chain.

  8. Do dungeons and quest to hyjal (80-82) Deepholm (83-84) and Twilight Highlands (84-85).. after this pandaria.

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