1. 2.7k Feral LF 2s Partner [H]

    So my partner will be away for awhile and I would like to find someone to play with till the end of the season and seeing how that goes, possibly in future seasons.

    I was r4 2 seasons ago as Rsham/Feral, and have been top 5 consistently playing with a disc/rsham, r2-3 a couple times before reset. I have played AT/Blackrock but not seriously, only went up to 2.1k in 2s a few years ago. I just solo que for ****s and giggles every now and then now.

    I am looking for a good disc or rsham on horde side. Someone who:
    - does not backpedal
    - speaks some english
    - has experience playing against decent teams
    - has enough gear to not die in a bladestorm

    If you are interested, you can either reply here or contact me ingame on Enzyme, Prowl, Prowllr, Catalyst, Thaleia or honestly anyone in <Fade> to try and get a hold of me. My current feral's name is Enzyme so you can armory my gear/team. And yes we will be playing on my team, r6-8 atm depending on who passes me.


  2. u still dc every other game? :)
    Nahh, new internet lol

  3. you always said it was your fukin cat pullin out your ethernet or somethin

  4. you always said it was your fukin cat pullin out your ethernet or somethin
    Lmao did I? I have never owned a cat. Regardless I don't really DC anymore.

  5. hey man im rank 10 resto druid currently ranked 150 in a team with people i dont know, hit me up if your keen to hide in stealth until eyes appear, msg me ingane names treesome. i have BIS gear, BIS banter and absolutely no skill

  6. Add me in Skype, name: Drakoslol
    or Ingame Butox.
    I have the Same Exp Like you

  7. Add me in Skype, name: Drakoslol
    or Ingame Butox.
    I have the Same Exp Like you
    No player with that name found

  8. May 2, 2016  

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