1. Realm First 1mil gold?!

    gotta love warmane 4Head

  2. the difference is, you use cheat engine, i don't

  3. Only one milion gold ? there is a warr named Stepfather,he obtained over 10 mil golds on 10 different characters,bish please. ( though he might hack, everything is possible )

  4. People crossed 1 million the day the Christmas event hit. Many farmed quite a few million gold. But leave that aside, I have over a million gold without having farmed the Christmas event, and I barely play. To think this is realm first million is... misguided.

  5. Only one milion gold ? there is a warr named Stepfather,he obtained over 10 mil golds on 10 different characters,bish please. ( though he might hack, everything is possible )
    I'd like to also confirm that Zenjiva is also among the wealthy of the Frostwolf realm. He has 2 characters that operate JC,Herb, Alchemy, Enchanting, almost all profs and he makes a ton of money off of anyone being his items, hence the only reason he gives out free enchants and gems to many, especially twinks, he's filthy rich he doesn't know what to do with his gold.

  6. Direct quote from wowiki
    Gold limit
    The most money a single character can carry is 999,999g 99s 99c; the same limit applies to guild banks. Before Patch 4.0.1, the limit was 214,748g 36s 47c (or 231-1c), because Blizzard stored a character's money as a signed 32-bit integer. Screenshots of characters reaching the previous gold limit have been taken on both American and German servers.

  7. gotta love warmane 4Head
    I have over 2M gold and about that much saved in mats + i purchased lots of mounts from AH...

    Not rly hard with 6 chars and all professions..

  8. what exactly are you people getting all that gold for?
    I'm pretty happy with my 100k gold. Enough for all enchants, gems and flasks that I may need for a very long time.

    Seems to me like you're just wasting your life away getting all that and then not even use it.

  9. what exactly are you people getting all that gold for?
    I'm pretty happy with my 100k gold. Enough for all enchants, gems and flasks that I may need for a very long time.

    Seems to me like you're just wasting your life away getting all that and then not even use it.

  10. if i have enough for my repairs..i'm happy as a clam :D

  11. Only one milion gold ? there is a warr named Stepfather,he obtained over 10 mil golds on 10 different characters,bish please. ( though he might hack, everything is possible )
    People crossed 1 million the day the Christmas event hit. Many farmed quite a few million gold. But leave that aside, I have over a million gold without having farmed the Christmas event, and I barely play. To think this is realm first million is... misguided.
    guys im talking about 1mil on 1 character, ofc i have over 1mil total lmao ;D.

    Direct quote from wowiki
    Gold limit
    The most money a single character can carry is 999,999g 99s 99c; the same limit applies to guild banks. Before Patch 4.0.1, the limit was 214,748g 36s 47c (or 231-1c), because Blizzard stored a character's money as a signed 32-bit integer. Screenshots of characters reaching the previous gold limit have been taken on both American and German servers.
    atleast you understood me lol
    Edited: April 7, 2016

  12. guys im talking about 1mil on 1 character, ofc i have over 1mil total lmao ;D.
    Good point :)

  13. gold is serious bsns on a dead realm huh

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